Fight- Chapter 5- Swan-Jones

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Fight- Chapter 5- Swan-Jones


"Don't know what?" Killian asked.

"No, they don't know." Regina told me.

"Don't know what?" Killian repeated, louder this time.

Regina sighed, "Do you want to tell them or should I?"

"Tell us what?" Killian yelled, sounding extremely worried now, "Emma, love, what's going on?"

I gave Regina a pleading look, and she seemed to understand.

"I'm sorry, Hook," She said, gently, "The bullet was poisoned. There's nothing I can do to save her."

Mary Margaret's sobs were the only sounds in the otherwise silent room as Killian and Henry turned to look at me.

"No," Killian whispered, "There has to be something we can do. A cure."

"David's gone to get some water from the well. We're hoping it has the same healing powers as the water from Lake Nostos."

"I still think he shouldn't have gone." I said.

"Emma, we've been through this," Regina sighed, "It's your only chance."

"I don't care!" I yelled, "Greg and Tamara could be anywhere right now and I don't want my family risking their lives for me!"

"Emma, love-" Killian started, but I cut him off.

"No, Killian! Just leave me alone!"

I covered my mouth immediately after I said it. Everyone stared at me, including Mary Margaret. None of them had ever heard me that angry at Killian. I let go of Mary Margaret's hand and and sat up.

"Killian, I'm sorry," I said, hastily, "I don't know what came over me."

Killian walked over to me and knelt next to my head.

"It's ok." He whispered.

"It's the poison," Regina explained, "It's taking control of her emotions."

"How long does she have?" Killian asked, not taking his eyes off me.

"It's spreading fast. Looks like a matter of hours."

"Hours?" Killian repeated, turning to Regina.

Regina had already told me this. That's when David had ran out of the room to get the water, leaving Mary Margaret a sobbing mess. Not only was her daughter dying, but her husband was going out when there were people easily capable of killing him. I felt both guilty and touched that he would do that to save me.

Knowing I had hours to live was bad enough, but what was much, much worse was seeing Killian and Henry hear the news.

"I know this is hard, Killian," I said, taking his hand in mine as he looked back at me, "But we have to think of the possibility that David won't make it back in time."

"We're not giving up, Emma, " Killian promised me, "You're not dying."

"Stop making promises you can't keep, Killian. All we can do is hope." I said, but he ignored me.

"There has to be something we can do. Just to buy some time?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at Regina.

"There is one thing-"

"I've already said no." I cut in.

"It could save your life!"

"I'm not going under a sleeping curse!" I yelled.

Fight- Captain Swan (sequel to Love, Run, Live)Where stories live. Discover now