Chapter Five - It's Not All Plain Sailing

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The next morning, as the pair were eating their breakfast in their room, all Harry could think of was that little girl, Alana, and how he didn't want to fly back to the uk without her

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The next morning, as the pair were eating their breakfast in their room, all Harry could think of was that little girl, Alana, and how he didn't want to fly back to the uk without her.

Of course he knew that it was more difficult than deciding that he wanted to adopt her. He had to talk to Louis about it and they had to agree they are both ready. Plus there was all the legal papers and money.

Okay the money wouldn't be so much of a problem but they would still need to put some money aside each month for it.

"What is on your mind Mr Tomlinson?" Louis asked. A cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"Hey not just yet. I can still call the whole thing off!" Harry smirked back.

"You avoided the question." Louis deadpanned.

"Just about that little girl. Alana." Harry sighed.

"What about her?" He asked.

"I just felt some sort of connection to her.. I don't want to leave her in a children's home when she could have loving parents."

"Harry all of those children should have loving parents and you know that but we can't think about adoption now. The wedding is in a couple of days!" Louis stressed. "Plus I'm so busy at the moment and you know I said that we should wait until both our careers have slowed down a bit so we can both be involved as much as possible." Louis was as desperate to be a father as Harry was but he wanted to wait so he could be as involved as possible.

"I know baby, but maybe we shouldn't wait. If she is meant for us, we can't wait!"

"If she is meant for us Harry, it will work itself out. You know that. You've always believed in fate." Louis was slightly annoyed at Harry for wanting to rush into it. They had this conversation at least once a month because Harry wants to get started on the adoption process but in all honesty, Louis was scared for the reality of having a child. "I'm going to go out for a bit. I'll see you at my mainstage performance later."

Harry tried to apologize but Louis was gone before he could. Trust him to start a tiff just days before the wedding.

Luckily, when he checked his phone, to see how much time he had to kill, he saw he had a message from Liam.

Liam: Hey mate! Cheryl and I just landed at LAX and are just heading down to the house. Wondered if you wanted to come over? Xx

He sighed knowing that even subconsciously his friends were always there for him.

Harry: I would love to. I'll grab a taxi and come down, might be a while though I'm at Vidcon xx

Liam messaged him back saying that was fine and that he would see him in a bit. He knew he should let Louis know as he might not be back in time for him mainstage performance but for some reasons it just slipped his mind.

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