Chapter 4 *Written By Kat*

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Emma's POV

"Guys!" I shouted "We should pplay a giant game of truth or dare up here!" I cringed when I said up here. If you must know, im terrified of flying. I always wind up with the window seat and I have to look down on the ground that is thousends of feet below us. It scares the living shit out of me.

Everyone agreed and we formed what we could of a circle and I began...

"Hmm... Jerome" I said with an evil smirk on my face "Truth. Or. Dare"

He looked nervous, it took himm literally 3 minutes to make his decision! "Dare!"

Oh, Jerome... When will you learn!

"Alrightly then! Jerome, I dare you to tweet excatly what I say!" his over confident expression quickly faded. He slowly took out his IPad and logged onto twitter.

"Alright Jerome remember, you may only write what I say and NOTHING ELSE! And another part to the dare, you may only send out another tweet AFTER exactly 24 hours" he was shacking now... this should be fun!

"Alright Adam here we go!:

#Merome is real! tweet it everybody! And make sure to make us some fan are of Jerome and Mitch making out!"

He wa shesitent to hit the "send tweet" buttun, untill Jason pushed it for him. Aaaaaah, the life of evil!

he looked around for a moment and then his eye's settled on Mitch.

"Mitch" He said "Truth or dare?"

"Dare away!"

"Alright Mitch!, I dare you to make out with Emma for 1 minute!"

What. The F***!

I looked to Mitch and He looked back at me Jerome looked like he was about to rip Adam's head off. Mitch began to lean in and I did the same. Soon enough our lips crashed and it was the best thing that I could imagine. His lips were so soft and, ah! it was amazing! when we finally pulled apart we were both grinning like idiots. Jerome fianlly broke free of Adam and Ty's grasp and tackled Mitch in the isle.

Jerome can't ruin this for me! I can't let that happen!!

Hey guys! thanks for reading chapter four of Team Crafted Love! So what did you guys think? and what the hell is Jerome gonna do to Mitch! Well there is my romance started (because Emma is based off of my and Sabrina off of Anna) Now we need to start the other one! I wonder how it will happen. I have no control over that part... that's Anna's job... so thanks again for reading and be sure to SLAP THAT VOTE BUTTON WITH YOU FOREHEAD!! lol!

-Kat :) xx

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