Chapter 27 *Written By Anna*

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(AN: So, I'm back! Hope you enjoy the next chapter! Liability: We [Anna and Kat] are not responsible for any broken feels or computer/iPad/Kindle/Andriod/Google screens! Don't forget to leave a vote if you liked the chapter! Kat andI appreciate it! Peace! :)

***Sabrina's POV***

I didn't want to be here. At all. The only thing that got me out of my room was Ian and Quentin literally ripping me off my bed. Since they announced Ty's death, I was broken. He was my role model. My happiness. My ray of sunshine. The only thing that mattered to me.

I wanted to see him again. His face, the way he gave hugs, I missed it all. When we got there, I really didn't care about anything or anyone. The world was a bleak, depressing ball of misery. And it all seemed to come crashing down on me at once.

I zoned out, up until I saw Mitch and Emma kissing! She just got out of a coma for Christ's sake! It made me infuriated! My face twisted in anger as he pulled away.

"Don't you hate me?" Yes! She does!

"Why would I hate you? We are dating after all." She smiled blissfully. I couldn't believe this. Mitch was taking advantage of Emma being in  a COMA!! How could he do this?! I thought he cared about her! Apparently I was wrong.

The rest of the team seemed pretty shocked, but not nearly as mad as me. Well, except for Jerome. His face was a cherry shade of red and his fists were curled in rage.

We had five more minutes to visit, and I was pretty happy at that fact.

"Are you okay, Sabrina?" She asked.

"Freaking peachy." I mumbled. She shrugged and went back to goo-gooing over Mitch. When we left, I told the rest of the team, except for Mitch, to go back to the car.

"What's this about Sabrina?" Mitch questioned. He was playing dumb, and I called his bluff. My breaths started to get heavier and a lot more ragged. My head turned to the ground and I clenched my fists. I walked toward him at  a slow enough pace to be creepy.

"Sabrina, what's wrong?" He put his hands to his chest. No one was around. The room we had wandered into was vacant.

"You've met with at terrible fate, haven't you?" I said, slightly raising my head and smiling in a demonic way.

"Whatever this is about, I'm sure we can talk about this." He said, grinning nervously and backing up.

My head came all the way up, twitching violently. "No, we can't." His back hit the wall and I took my opportunity.

I lunged at him and hit him in the stomach with my knee, raising my arm to his neck, pushing it in.

"Sabrina! Why?" He choked. I slammed my foot into his shin.

"You know what for." I growled angrily.

"No! I don't!" His face began to turn purple, and his strength was failing him. His arms were trying to pry mine off his neck.

"For taking advantage of my best friend after she got out of a coma!" I raised my knee swiftly and hit him in the face, drawing blood from his nose.

"Please! It's not my fault!" He sputtered.

"You know it is, stop playing dumb!" I shouted, inches from his face. I rammed my head into his, causing a large bruise to form.

I restrained myself from killing him until he said words that stung like daggers.

"Ty would be ashamed."

That did it. I shoved him into the wall as hard as I could. I didn't hold back, and I felt his breath get faster and more frantic. I stopped pushing when his eyes closed and I let his limp body fall to the ground. I threw him to the other side of the room.

He was still breathing, unfortunately, but that was something I would not allow for much longer. I found a needle in a syringe and tore it out. I chuckled cynically as I rolled the slim tube if metal in my hands. He deserved this. He deserved the pain. For ruining the only thing I had left, Emma. For breaking her heart, for cheating. He deserved this.

I knelt down, so I could be on the same level as him. Pathetic. I raised my arm, positioning it right above his heart. As I was about to let it pierce his skin, I heard a soft whisper tell me to stop and a light hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw one thing I thought I would never see again.


His face was covered in tears and he looked at me.

My face went pale and I threw the needle to the other side of the room. My mouth opened in happiness and disbelief, but knew that it wasn't real.

"T-Ty? Is that really you?" I asked, reaching for his hand. He stayed in position as my hand slipped through his.

"Yes, I'm here. But I am very disappointed." He looked at me with a look that made me want to collapse and cry. He stared at Mitch and back to me.

"Is this what you have come to?" He asked. I sat there, kneeling down, holding what would be his hand.

I started to cry by his side. He tried to stroke my hair and comfort me, but I could only feel a cold emptiness.

"You don't understand! Without you, Emma is the only thing I have left! I can't stand to see her hurt like this!" I sobbed.

"Why did you leave?" I whispered. He looked down at me with complete pain brimming his eyes.

"I wasn't doing my job. I was put on this earth to protect you. And if I couldn't even do that right, what good am I?"

Those words hurt to hear.

 "What do you mean?" I asked, tears pouring out.

"I was never there for you, and all I ever did was get you in more trouble. I was a weight on your shoulders. I was never a good brother."

His voice rang with pain and sadness, but with hidden truth.

"But I never thought it would come to this." He gestured to Mitch. I lifted my hand to wipe my tears away. Ty's eyes widened.

"S-Sabrina?" He whispered, jaw dropping, face going white. I sniffled, "Yeah, Ty?"

I saw his body gain more color, glow, as if he was alive again.

"What are these?" He pulled down my sleeve and revealed the long cuts I had made when he was gone. They were scabbing at this point, but it still felt fresh.

"You're a-alive?" I asked, hopeful and happy. He shook his head.

"I'm given a total of 24 hours to go back to the world of the living. I was saving them for wedding day." I felt his thumb run over the cuts, beginning to cry again.

"But I couldn't let this slip away."

He wrapped his arms around me and began to cry again.

"Don't do this again, ever. Please, for me" He whispered through the tears.

"I had to. You were my reason. You were my role model. My hero. And when you left, my world stopped. The sun stopped shining, the wind stopped blowing, the Earth stopped spinning. My heart broke, and this time, there was no one to patch it up." We stayed there for a few moments in silence.

"It should've been me." I whispered.

"No. It shouldn't have. I was wrong, and I would stop myself if I could, but we all make mistakes." I felt the cold air fade back in and Ty's color fade away.

"Where are you going?" I hurriedly questioned, worried that he would leave forever.

"I'm saving the rest for wedding day. Tell everyone that I love and miss them. I will always be here, no matter what." He was back in his spirit form and a thick fog started sweeping at his feet.

"Please! Don't leave me!" I shouted, reaching out for him. The fog was up to his waist.

"I will always be here." All I saw of him before he was gone was a smile.

I crawled to the place where he stood in disbelief. I let my head rest on the place where Ty stood seconds ago.

"I miss you."

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