Chapter 26 *Written By Kat*

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been like what... a month since the last update? yea, sorry about that, but I have been grounded for bad grades (not really, I got all A's and one D in math which is just because of homework and one quiz,) BUT on the plus side I got a new phone since my old one is LONG gone, so I am now allowed to update from here! Once again I am SOSOSOSOSO SORRY for the delay in chapters I have more time now because of spring break, but I wont keep you waiting any longer... ladies (and gentleman, I don't judge) here I present to you... CHAPTER 26!

Adam's POV

"Ty is..." she trailed off  "Dead, I'm so sorry. He lost so much blood that we couldn't get it all back in his system in time, nor did we have enough of his blood type here, there was nothing more we could do." She handed me the belongings he had on him then walked away.

Ty was gone... he was really gone. What was I going to tell Sabrina! She was going to freak out! I felt the tears threaten to pour from my eyes and they won the battle. I heard a crowd of footsteps burst through the hospital doors.

"Adam!" I heard MItch's voice shout.

They all began to run towards me. Ian was carrying Sabrina in his arms as she sobbed into his chest. She was so scared and fragile now, I couldn't tell her that Ty was dead!

"Well?" Jerome said I closed my eyes tightly and swallowed working up the courage to tell them

Ian put Sabrina down in a chair beside me, she had finally stopped crying... I had a feeling she was about to start again.

"T-ty is... dead." I looked at Sabrina who sat tightly in a ball next to me. The tears built up until she just fell off the chair because she was crying so much... I saw the other guys who had tears trickeling down thier faces... Ty was really gone.

*3 days later*

Jerome's POV

It was today.

Today I could finally go in and see my sister.

We all agreed to hold off Ty's funeral untill after Emma is well and hopefully has her memory back. I walked through the hospital doors for the... I want to say tenth time this week. Each nurse cheerfully greeted me since I had been there so much latley. I walked up to the nurse at the front desk.

"Hello Claire" I said to the nice nurse behind the desk.

"Hello Jerome! Back again I see?" She asked giggling. I nodded and she typed Emma's name into the computer. "Well you're in luck today! she woke up around an hour ago. Her memory is still a little foggy, but she is well enough to go visit!" She handed me a visitors pass and I started to walk down the long hallway to room 247, but I stopped myself.

"Umm... Claire?" I asked stepping back in front of her. 'I was wondering if I could get your number, maybe we could go out sometime?" I asked her nervously She smiled and then blushed. "Sure!" She wrote her name down on a slip of paper, then she handed it to me.

"Thanks!" I said before walking off to Emma's room.

When I walked in I saw her bright face smiling into her phone. She looked up and her smile widened even more

"Jerome! I can't beleive you're here!" She said wincing at every word. The scars were still spread around her body. She had bandages everywhere, covering parts of her that were so deep of cuts, they were still bleeding. It made me want to cry, having to look at her this way... wait, did she just call me by my own name?

"Emma... you remember my name?" I asked confused but greatly delighted. She smiled "The nurse said that your memory was still foggy?" She sat up and winced again "Well it is... but I remeber a lot more now, like you, and the guys, and Sabrina! It's great! Do you know when they can come? They said I still can't leave for another week, which sucks becuase I feel fine! Most of my other scars have cleared up!" Just as she finnished talking the rest of the guys; and Sabrina, piled into the room. Mitch was the last one to enter. Her smile grew extremley wide. She jumped out of bed and ran over to Mitch.

When she reached him she wrapped her arms around his neck. She was about an inch away from his face when she said the words I never thought she would say to him again

"I love you Mitch!"

she pulled into a kiss...

When she pulled away from Mitch, he looked suprised but greatly pleased. Once he shook off the kiss he walked over to her where she was hugging the rest of them.

"Umm... Emma?" He asked "Why did you kiss me? I thought you broke up with me..." Tears formed in his eyes as he forced the words out of his mouth.

SHe looked at him like he had two heads. "Mitch, what are you talking about?" Mitch looked at me and I knew we were thinking the same thing.

She rememberd everyone... but she didn't know about anything that happened after we got to the hotel!

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