Chapter 29 *Written By Anna*

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(AN: Just thought I'd give you all a little music to start out the chapter out with! You might want to break out the box of tissues for this one! Also, I will be going on a trip! It's a trip to New Sweden, Maine on June 21-29 for a missions trip [I am a Christian] and I will not have internet access. So, hopefully we can get some chapters stockpiled or something like that! I also had to go to a very scary time in my life to write this... Anyways love ya lots!! Bai!! :)

***Sabrina's POV***

Emma gave her eulogy and it was my turn to go next. Adam sat next to me, despite the friction between us, as the minister called me up.

He motioned specifically at me, but I wasn't ready. I gulped and lifted the hem of my dress. My mascara was a little bit runny, but I knew that by the time this was over, I would have a river flowing from my eyes.

"Hi. For those of you who don't know, I'm Sabrina, Ty's sister. Ty was everything to me. He was the one who got me through my entire life. For the majority of my life, I was verbally abused and neglected by my parents. Ty was the only one who cared about me. He disobeyed my parents and cared for me, literally keeping me alive."


It was around 11:30PM. I had gotten a hold of a knife from the kitchen and my mother's bottle of pills. I don't need this life, I thought as I made a slash across my hip, watching the blood drip out in a steady stream. I put my hand in the blood and began to write on the wall.

I've been looking in the mirror for so long

That I've come to believe my souls on the other side

All the little pieces falling


Shards of me

Too sharp to put back together

Too small to matter

But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces

If I try to touch her and I bleed

I bleed

And I breathe

I breathe no more

I poured a handful of the drug into my hand. My hand raised shakily to my face, ready to see the last lights of day. Ready to leave, to leave the emptiness.


I was about to welcome the darkness when a light shined upon me and I saw my angel.

"Sabrina! No!" He rushed to my side and grasped my wrist, scattering the pills across the floor. My face gleamed a bright white as he turned my face towards his. There were tears falling towards the ground as he embraced me. I felt the cold tears rush down my back, but they were not of my own eyes.

"Ty, why did you stop me?" I questioned softly. He pulled away and looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"I couldn't let you do this, I just couldn't."

"You should've let me die. Nothing matters anymore. I'm just a small pawn in this sadistic game, so what if I'm gone? It doesn't matter! I'm worthless! Just let me go! No one cares! I deserve to die!"

Ty pulled me back into him and sobbed louder. He stroked my hair, choking on his own breaths.

"Don't ever say that about yourself. You are beautiful and amazing and talented. I won't let you go, I can't. If you were gone, I'd join you. In another life, in Heaven." His words were shaky and soft, but he felt every single word.

"You mean that?" I asked, disbelief lacing my voice.

"I do," was the only thing he said before he saw the blood-covered wall.

"Sabrina..." He whispered, clutching me even tighter. He looked down, seeing the pool of blood.

"Stay right here, I'm getting help." He announced, leaving me feel a cold emptiness I no longer wanted to be in.

"Mom and Dad will kill you!"

"I don't care."

He left the room, leaving me alone again. I looked back over at the pills, disgusted. I didn't have anyone, I had someone. The someone. Ty. My Ty.

In a few minutes he came down with food, towels, and a pint of water.

"Eat and drink, it's not healthy. Let me clean this up, go up to my room and get some rest." I shook my head furiously.

"No. I'll be dead before I can get up there." Ty grabbed something off his belt and threw it to me. It was a key.

"Go into the door in the bathroom. Use this to unlock the attic stairway in the wall. Make a left then a right, it should be there. I love you sis," he hugged me again and pressed a towel on the cut.

"I love you too." I followed his instructions and went to his room. There was another towel that said "Just use it."

I wrapped it around my waist and began to drift to sleep until I heard screaming from downstairs.

I left the bed and pressed my ear against the door, making the words more audible.

"I didn't have a choice! And I don't care what you say!" It was Ty. He was standing up to my parents. A smirk began to form on my face until I heard a scream and a crack.

My parents swore at him, cursing him for helping me, saving me. There were various cracks, shatters, and break sounds that rang through the house. I heard staggered footsteps approach the room and I hid under the covers, hoping to be unnoticed.

Ty switched on the lights and I let out a mental sigh of happiness. I twisted over and squinted. The sight was horrifying.

His arms were cut up, his back slashed, his legs torn. Blood was pouring out of him and he was limping. I didn't want to say anything, because I knew it would just pester him.

"All for you sis, all for you." He walked out and flipped out the lights.

That night I had a dream. I was at the edge of a cliff, arms spread wide, tears rushing down my face.


I jumped, but I didn't fall. I was hanging. Above me was a figure clothed in white with pitch black hair, holding me back.

"All for you."

Flashback Over

Tears were dropping onto the picture of Ty on the podium. Seeing his smile again made my heart shatter all over again. I began hiccup and choke on my words. The people in the audience were eagerly awaiting my next words, but they never came.

Just silence and the sound of my pain covered cries filled the air. Even though I knew he was looking over me, I couldn't stop. I pounded my fist into the podium, shattering the picture of him.

"Dammit Ty! You were too young!" I screamed through the sadness. "Why not me?!" My breathing became even more erratic as I fell to the ground, wanting Ty to magically appear again.

People started to empathize as my cries became more and more loud, wanting my angel to come back down from the clouds. But it never happened. He was really gone, and no force in the universe could get him back.

I heard footsteps approach and a hand stroke my hair. The mystery figure picked me up in a bridal position and lifted me off the ground. My hair fell over my face and tears fell on the person's clothes. I felt a hand brush the hair out of my face and lay me down towards the back of the funeral home. I found who it was when I looked up.

It was Jason.

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