Chapter 1

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 The time when Wonwoo realised he had hanahaki disease was when he was busily admiring Mingyu’s mind-numbing features in the room from a far before he felt his stomach clench, his heartbeat booming in his ears and a sharp pain at his chest where the heart is located.

 Clenching onto his chest, his breath turned to rapid gasps and his friends knew something was wrong. Shit! Wonwoo jumped out up from his seat before dashing out of the classroom, slamming the door behind him and running to the toilet, a hand clasped onto his mouth.

Rushing to the nearest stall, he just opened it when he made a strangled groan, vision blurring as he threw up with the same hand trying to block the passage. When he opened his eyes, they landed onto the multiple shades of coloured petals and buds decorating the floor. Some are blue, some are yellow, some are white. He looked at his palm to confirm his doubt, and when it did, his eyes widened.

 What the…? He knew what this means, but who is he falling for? Trying to gather his thoughts, he collected the flower petals before dumping them in the toilet bowl, flushing it down afterwards. He did not want anyone to know about this, not even his best friend, Mingyu…


 I'm falling for Mingyu.


This went on for days after. During classes, outside when wandering, even at home when Mingyu is not around. (He rented a place with Mingyu and stayed with each other) The pain he felt grew as his love for his best friend did. He noticed the amount of times he caught himself staring mindlessly at the person behind him. His thoughts gave praises to whatever part of Mingyu attracted him.

 He could remember what flowers he had thrown up. Baby pink tulips, hot pink hibiscus, yellow roses tinted with red at the tip. He realised, all of them colours had at least a mixture of red.He sighed in despair, those were enough to show that he had fallen deeper for him.

 He knew that either way, there will be a cure to it. He knew surgery was an option, but then after some consideration, he had shook the thought of it off. He hoped that after some time, Mingyu might fall for him. One day, he found that Mingyu was in love.

 It was not him.

 “Wonu yah! Remember my crush, Sohye? I confessed to her just now and she said yes!” Mingyu exclaimed. Wonwoo’s throat went dry and he could hear the sound of his heart shattering into a million pieces. How had he just brushed aside the thought of the couple being friends when Mingyu was staring at her googly-eyed the whole time?

There goes the pain in his chest again, but right now it was a dozen times worse than the earlier ones. Excusing himself from Mingyu he raced towards the school bathroom, both hands holding onto his mouth and heart, the pain excruciating. Reaching towards a stall, he finally let out. This time round, the petals and flower buds were twice the size than previously. They were much more dark and vibrant, and he hated it. He picked one of them up, and realised something else - tiny thorns.

 Is that how people felt when they suffered a one-sided love? Probably, because now his crush is in a relationship with his crush, he does not think he could bear with it. Too much in his thoughts, he did not see the looming shadow covering his light.



Hi Guys! I'm supposed to have posted this on Valentine's Day but then I'm late. Mianhae 😅😅 anyways, I'll be updating soon.

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