Chapter 13: All Of Our Problems Solved...

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K- Where are you?

B- I told Caroline I'd take her place at decade dance prep, but none of the rest of you showed.

K- I know. I'm sorry. (I Cleaned Bag After Bag Of Open Chips, Throwing Boys Judgy Looks As They Played Videogames And Pretended To Ignore Me) I've got Jeremy under house arrest because Kol wants to kill him. And Klaus wants to take him on some vampire-slaying road trip. And since neither of them are invited in, home is the only place where I can keep him safe.

B- Why does it sound like you're under fire?

K- I didn't think through the possible consequence of Matt and Jer turning the place into a frat house. My brother and best friend are currently on a diet of junk food, sleeping, and video games...


"I'm training" Jer finally looked away from the TV.

"Me, too" Matty threw me a cheeky grin, I couldn't stop my scoff.

"Train yourself to do some dishes. And put these weapons away before someone tries to use them on me" I motioned to the collection scattered over the dining table, they simply went back to their game. I rolled my eyes and moved towards the sink with the items I had collected from around the room, directing my attention back to the phone call while doing so.


B- Well, it's hard for me to look forward to this dance while you're trapped in your house

K- Don't worry, I have the perfect way to solve that little problem, and I'm hoping to be done with it soon--Anyway, why isn't Elena there? She dares not come near the house, and it's highly unlikely she's running around with the new power team that is Stefan and Rebekah. (I Couldn't Stop The Bitter Edge From Driving My Sentance)

B- Kat...(Her Tone Said What She Couldn't)

K- I know Bonnie, but she is over-reacting just a little. I mean, if everyone else can move on, avoid the subject, or just not mention her--why can't she?

B- She's hurt, Kat. From her point of view, the closest family she has--her last blood relative just basically said she has a backup sister and doesn't need her anymore. She feel's betrayed. And sure, she might be angry for a while, but I'm sure when she forgives you she'll actually want to know why unlike the rest of us who are just brushing it under the rug.

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