Chapter 39: You're The ONE Person I'll ETERNALLY Love More Than Myself...

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"WHOO!" I spun around, thumping my heels in rhythm with the music until a familiar voice made my smile widen--

"Take It Off!" I grinned down at Matty-blue-blue, whipping off my jacket and offering him the chance to catch it.

"Jeremy, come on!" I kneeled down, motioning to the little drink in my baby brother's hand. "To a reckless Kat!"

"To recklessness!" they cheered in unison before we all finished our shots, my glass gripped tightly before I smashed it on the ground.

"What are you doing?!" Jer barely managed to dodge the shards.

"Being reckless!--it's all I've got left" I kicked a bottle, breaking a beer tap with the force of my foot.

"Kat!" Care managed to scold.

"What?" I laughed, "They won't notice--watch" I whooshed behind a random, his body continuing to dance as my friends watched me with wide-eyed expressions, "It's all in my head."

"We're real, Kat...This is all real.--Are you okay?" Bonnie's eyes seemed to grow, sympathy entering them.

I chuckled darkly, "Oh, Bon-Bon...You wanna know how I know this isn't real..."

"How?" Jer frowned.

"Because I was just smiling...and I meant it..." I didn't wait for any response, instead choosing to grip the guy's hair and pull his neck back, fangs extending to drain him dry--


I jumped up with a gasp, heavy breaths escaping my lips; my eyes darting around the new surroundings. Sitting up was a slight struggle, my weak muscles allowing yesterday's events to crash into me like a tidal wave...Katherine's gone, and I'm dying...

Sitting up, my lips groaned; hands massaging an oncoming headache away from my temple. My footsteps were slow, Wes' extra little kick in the virus or my overall tiredness being the culprit. Silence echoed throughout my campus hallway, the memory of the place probably being empty because of spring break hitting me like a slap in the face.

I neared stray hockey sticks, my hand reaching out to graze the equipment when a new voice shattered my isolation--

"Hey" I flinched with Stefan's appearance, "You're awake." I refused a response, stilling my position and hoping he'd keep the distance between us. "Uh--Everyone's gone. The whole school cleared out--"

"Spring break, yeah, I know..."

"Um, well--...You've been in and out since you first woke up" I chuckled darkly at his slight stutter.

"Well, receiving an unexpected stab will do that to you..."

"You know..." he nodded to himself, lower lip jutting out slightly as he stared at nothing in particular..."At least that clears up this" my eyes widened as he pulled a pale blue book from behind his back.

"You Had No Right To--!" my rage that pushed me forward was interrupted by an invisible barrier, "What the--?"

"We had to seal you into the building..."

"I'm not surprised(!)" I scoffed, "It's not the first thing you've done that you thought would be helping me, is it(?)"


The Gilbert Twins: Secrets Between Siblings (TVD FANFIC) 3/3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt