Chapter 30: Do-Over?

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I opened the curtains, trying to give the room a little life without waking Stef--he gasped awake...whoops? "Morning. I made coffee. How did you sleep?" I smiled, bringing the mug towards him.

"Ooh...not great" he scoffed out a chuckle.

"First night back in your own bed. Not as comfy as Tessa's couch, huh?" I held out the drink.

"If we're gonna talk about Tessa, I think I need that caffeine" he accepted, taking a sip before moving onto other matters. "So, uh, what's with the wake-up call?"

"Kind of unintentional, I was just gonna leave you your coffee, brighten up the room and then leave but...I miss you. I feel like when you lost your memories...I lost a friend, and I was thinking--well, hoping, for a do-over" I took a seat in the free space beside him, "Instead of describing your life and painting you as a guy you're clueless about, why not just start over? That's what you intended when you threw away your journals, so if it's okay with you I'll happily give it a try. I just don't want to lose you again..." he looked down slightly, "Hi. I'm Kat, Katalina if you want to be a douche" I held my hand out with a smile.

"...I was driving to Portland" he ignored my gesture.

"What?" I frowned.

"The night I took Silas to the Quarry, I said goodbye to Lexi, and then I decided to keep driving West" he recited his memories, air momentarily got caught in my throat with the hope I suddenly felt.

"Wait. Hang on. How do you remember that?" I pushed.

"Because my memories are back" he revealed.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry, Stefan" I swallowed with the sympathy I suddenly felt.

"Why are you sorry? Isn't this what you wanted?" he frowned.

"Well, yeah but--...Stefan, all of those memories all at once? I know you and your past, remember?" my voice was quiet, as though I didn't want to scare him off. "How come you suddenly remember? Don't tell me that sleeping in your bed was the solution this whole time(!)" 'Now's not the time, Kat...' I internally scolded myself.

"Tessa came here last night, and she undid whatever spell fried my brain,'s all back. I can--I can remember everything."

"Would you prefer me to let you deal with it for a sec or would you let me hug you right now?" he didn't answer, just moving his arm in the slightest way so I could trap him in my arms, receiving a light grip on my arm in response.


"October 1852" Damon threw a date at him.

"You...broke my nose trying to teach me how to throw a right hook" Stefan remembered why that date in particular.

"But not on purpose, just to be clear" I scoffed out a laugh as Damon looked back at me, "How much did you pay for that hunk of junk motorcycle that you ride?"

"That's a trick question. You bought me that motorcycle, although I'm guessing it was pretty expensive" Stefan seemed a little smug as I smiled at the pair.

"So, Tessa just gave you back your memories, no strings attached" Well, wasn't that tone doubtful.

"Well, it wasn't exactly a gift. It was a lot to take in all at once, everything from blowing out the candles on my first birthday cake to...drowning in a safe" he seemed to space out for a minute.

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