Chapter 20: Sweet, Naive Elena...

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"You're gonna fail" was my blunt reaction, "You should be locking yourself inside all day, not shopping for prom."

"Name me a more human experience than senior prom" she ordered.

"Death" I smirked.

"Why should I listen to you? You don't even have your humanity" she ignored my answer.

"You realize you won't even be able to compel yourself a date, right?" I pointed out.

"Yes, and last time I checked, you're living in my house because I'm the only one that can tolerate you. So, you don't have to be so rude" an idea hit me with her words.

"Then I'm coming with you" I stopped us from walking further, "Yeah. I'll keep an eye on you to make sure that you pass Elijah's test. As soon as you down the cure, it'll be gone for good. And no one will be able to use it on me" COUGH--The Salvatore's--COUGH. As we continue walking I turned us into a store I knew Care was getting her dress from. "Hey, Bonnie. Heard you got your mind wiped. That sucks. Elena, good to see you not crying for once. And, last like normal--what a pretty dress, Caroline" were my greetings to the girls.

Her nostrils flared as she attempted to ignore my stab, "I know. You helped me pick it out months ago when we were friends. Before you tried to kill me" she reminded me instead of screaming at me in a rage.

"You still caught up on that(?) You're just as bad as her with the dagger incident" I motioned to Rebekah before taking a closer look at the dress, "But yeah, I thought it looked familiar" I caught Bonnie looking at me with skeptical eyes.

"Can you press this for me?" Care questioned the shop clerk, "I'll pick it up later. Bonnie, Elena" that tone pulled my twin and the town witch away as Caroline left.

"What's that smirk for?" Rebekah asked when the girls left.

My answer was simple, "I just found my prom dress."


I halted in my steps when Stefan exited a limo holding flowers. "I don't need a babysitter."

"Really?" I walked closer to him as he faked a frown. "Because the last time I saw you, you snapped a waitress' spine" he held out the flowers.

"It got you to stop your search for the cure, didn't it?" I turned in escape when another Salvatore appeared.

"Yup. We're just here to make sure you hold up your end of the deal. Don't eat the prom queen" he held up a corsage, "May I?"

"No" I refused. He grabbed my arm. "Da--"

"Wow. Would you look at that? Aw. Beautiful dress" he fitted the flower to my wrist with the compliment.

"Thank you" I turned to face Stefan "I stole it" knowing whatever I did wouldn't make a difference convinced me to climb into the limo, waiting for my dates so we could get to prom.


"Where's the disco ball?" Damon questioned as him and Stefan led me to the party.

"Caroline's been working on this for a while. It's a, uh, photo yearbook of the senior class" Stefan explained as we kept walking. I just ignored the digital reminder of how long has passed before I was stopped in front of a particular image. "Isn't that photo from--uh-- the first day of freshman year?" they released their grips on me as I surveyed the photo of Matt and me.

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