Chapter 2

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My mother's head snaps up, her eyes frantic. "Go back inside sweetheart," she tries to say calmly.

"Mum, what's going on?"

"Nothing dear. Go back inside."

The alpha smirked."Well this works out for me. I can eradicate the whole family at the same time."

"NO. NO!" My mother broke free of the guards restraining her and crushed one of their skulls. The other two reacted and started moving towards her.

Wait. What is that by his feet? Is that a body? The person is covered in blood. I squint to get a closer look. That hair looks familiar. My stomach drops. Oh my god. No. It can't be.


A piercing wail fills the air.


Sweat lines my forehead. I keep my eyes closed, taking deep breaths and trying to calm to myself. You would really think I'd be used to this dream by now. Actually, you would think after four years I'd stop having it.

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

I take another shaky breath. Okay. Better. I head towards the pond to take relaxing soak. The weather is great today. There is a slight breeze and the sun is peeking through the clouds giving everything that beautiful glow that it had when I met 'Mr. Alpha'. A slight smile creeps upon my face.

It's been a week since I last saw Levin Garcia. Lounging by this pond has been great but I'm starting to get a little bored, and I hate to admit it but I'm a tad curious about him. I laugh a little out loud. I want to see up close how the 'King of the South' rules his jungle. He's very fun to annoy too. Hmm. Maybe I should go pay him a visit, although going into the heart of pack territory might not be the best idea. In fact, it would be literal suicide. I'm a little cocky, I can't lie, but I'm not stupid. One on one, I could handle almost anyone but an entire pack against me? I'm basically begging death to take me. Not that I have much to live for...

Maybe I should try it. I haven't done anything exciting in a long time. Yosh. I laugh out loud. I'm such an anime freak. But yes it's decided; I'm going.


There's growling all around me. The atmosphere is so tense you couldn't cut it with a machete. My hands remain in the air in the surrender position. "Again. I come in peace. I'm not here to fight. I just want to speak with your alpha. Please call him here immediately."

A pack member in human form approaches and stands on the outskirts of the circle of wolves around me. "Look. I don't know what makes you think that we'd call our alpha to come see the likes of a mere rogue. That's never going to happen. So I suggest you turn around and get off of our territory before we stop being so merciful. You have fifteen seconds."

I take a few deep breaths. Ultimatums don't sit well with me. But now is not the time. There are twelve wolves surrounding me, ready to tear me to shreds. "Look. He knows who I am and he'll be upset if you turn me away...or kill me. Just call him. Tell him that... top dog is here. If he refuses to come then I'll leave and never return." I laugh internally at my joke. He's going to love that. I put on my best pleading face. I hope it doesn't look messed up. I haven't begged for anything in a long time.

The guy thinks for a few seconds then he concedes. "Fine. When he laughs in my ears, take that as your cue to leave immediately." He takes his cellphone out of his pocket and dials a number. "Hello Alpha, so sorry to bother you. I know this is crazy but there's a rogue here at the south-west border requesting to see you. She says you know her by the name top dog." As soon as the two last words leave his mouth, there is a burst of laughter from Levin. The guy looks up at me all smug, giving me a mental 'see?' but I give him a smug look in return. You just wait.

"I'll be right over," replies Levin. The young man's jaw drops. He looks up at me. I can't help the smile that encroaches upon my face. Told ya.


I'm sitting cross-legged on the floor waiting when Levin approaches the circle that surrounds me. He walks towards the centre of the circle and every wolf there gets more tense, automatically protective of their alpha. Sometimes, I wish I had that. I haven't had people to care about me in a long time. I smile and stand up slowly, still cautious not to make any sudden moves. "Well look if it isn't Levin Garcia."

He chuckles. "You say that like if you didn't call me here."

"Fair point."

"So what can I do for Ms. No-"

I cut him off with "New found friend?" He squints at me, very suspicious. It seems like I'm buttering him up for something lol but I'm really not. I just do not need the drama associated with people knowing who I am. I'm a wanted criminal after all. Actually I'm surprised Levin didn't notify my old pack that he knows where I am. I wonder why not.

"Oh? I didn't realize we were friends."

I fake gasp and dramatically put my hand over my heart. "You wound me, Mr. Garcia. You wound me deeply."

A small smile creeps up on his face. "Why are you here, Ms. D-"

I cut him off again with "Damn great friend?" I see the realization of what I'm doing dawn on his face. Thank god. I shoot him a look that says you were really slow on the uptake there. He keeps his face composed but his eyes show me his sheepishness. "Do you mind if we talk alone?"

"Um-" He is cut off by a few low growls. I mentally facepalm myself. I forgot his pack doesn't trust me or even know me. I'm putting him in a tight spot by asking that.

"Scratch that. I'm sorry. I forgot you have your devoted and protective pack members to worry about. Well I'll just ask you here then." I pause and let the suspense build a little.

"I'm bored. Mind entertaining your amazingly sweet friend for a few days?" I ask while batting my eyelids. His eyes widen and everything is silent for a few seconds. Then suddenly he bursts out laughing. This continues on for like ten whole seconds. "Bruh, it ain't that funny though."

"Oh it definitely is. You came into my territory, risking your life, just to beg me to hang out with you, cause you're bored. Didn't know you had this level of pathetic in you, 'top dog'." My eyebrows immediately shoot up at the word pathetic and for a millisecond I lose my handle on concealing my aura and a little bloodlust seeps out. But that was enough for every wolf there to get a couple leaps closer. Even worse, Levin himself didn't like that and he let about 50% of his aura be felt. He can't be challenged in front of his pack. I understand that. But boy did that piss me off.

We continue to stare at each other. The air is even more tense than before. After awhile, I get myself completely back under control and I decide to just leave. "I guess you were right after all. We aren't friends. So I'll be on my way." I turn around and head back where I came from.

"Nol-No wait." A hand grabs my shoulder and instinctively my body reacts. I take his arm and pull him over my head, slamming him down hard on the ground. Almost immediately, all the wolves pounce on me, their jaws inches away from my neck.



Hi everyone. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you are, don't forget to vote. If you're not, let me know in the comments below. Til next time (:

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