Chapter 8

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Today is it, the day that I finally present my plan to the pack. Levin, Malia, Kadeem, the elders, and the 3 members of the border security committee will be there. I'm really hoping this meeting goes well.

I decide to go for a slightly more professional look today. A light collared shirt and jeans. Levin had brought me some old clothes he had, so that I'd have more to wear. Next, I put my locks in a low bun. I grab my security proposal folder and a cute pair of ballerinas as I leave the room.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Kadeem and Levin in the kitchen. They finish up their sandwiches, then we head out.

We enter a large conference room. It seems that Levin, Kadeem and I are the last to arrive. Everyone immediately stands to greet the alpha.

"Morning everyone. You can take your seats."

There's a long table in the center of the room. Levin takes the spot at the head of the table with Malia sitting on his right and Kadeem on his left. I sit between Kadeem and Bradley, with David next to him. Levin's father, Ruiz, is at the other head of the table while the three unknown sit next to Malia facing us.

Ruiz looks me up and down, then his face hardens into a glare. My eyebrows involuntarily furrow. What was that about? He and I are supposed to be cool. I shake it off. I can't afford to get distracted. Plus I need not forget that I'm rogue. Everyone is a potential enemy. No need to get worked up about it.

"As you all know, this is Gwennol. She has been working on a revised border security proposal for us over the last 2 weeks. Gwennol, I believe you know everyone except for Vincent, Kwes and Alejandro, who is the head of the border security committee." As he mentions Alejandro his eyes narrow just slightly. If I weren't on edge I never would've noticed it. So this is the man Levin doesn't like.

Alejandro is a tall older man, looking to be around 60, with dark hair and shrewd look. Our eyes meet and he shoots me a look of disgust. Nevertheless, I look at each of them and offer a small smile. I get none in return. But that's to be expected. I'm essentially exposing their faults and doing their jobs. There's no way they'd like me even if I wasn't the rogue wolf everyone hated.

"So you're the charity case rogue Levin picked up."

The room gets silent. And Levin clenches his jaw slightly. I can see his mind churning on what to say next. He knows that isn't right but he can't appear anymore biased than he already does. Me, on the other hand, I break the pencil I'm holding under the table. Take a deep breath Nol. Don't let him see you react. What he wants is attention. Don't let him see you sweat. I slowly unclench my fists.

"I can't say that I'm-"

I decide to cut him off and begin to speak as though I didn't hear him. "Hi everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all and to see some of you again," I say in a chipper voice.

Eyes widen. They can't believe I'm talking over him. Alejandro visibly bristles and his bloodlust starts seeping out.

"I was speak-"

I calmly ignore him and continue to talk over him. "I do hope that this meeting is productive and successful. If you have any questions as I'm presenting, please feel free to let me know. Well, in the sake of not wasting time, is it okay if we start Levin?" You know I had to throw some shade his way. Insulting me is a waste of time, buddy.

Levin tries not to smile but can't help the small upturn of his lips. "Of course. The floor is all yours."


After the rocky start, things actually went pretty smoothly, all things considered. Alejandro sat and stewed, but eventually reigned in his bloodlust; although the tension was still high. He questioned me at every step. But unfortunately for him I'm good on my feet and fielded every question with wit and grace. By the end of the meeting I knew he was starting to get irritated again. Ah. The small pleasures of life.

They ended up liking majority of the plan. Malia, of all people, thought it was "solid" and even encouraged Levin to implement certain aspects of it. Well well. It seems she takes her job seriously and can be professional when she needs to be. Not to mention, the elders and Alejandro's condescension every time she spoke gave me even more respect for her. It must be hard being a female beta, surrounded by older men who don't even realize how sexist they are. Levin paid them no mind though. His focus was entirely on the job at hand. His devotion and confidence were great to see.

As we are leaving the boardroom, a hand grabs my elbow and grips hard. He whisperes in my ear and from the voice I know it's Alejandro.

"Watch your back."

I chuckle while pulling my elbow away sharply. "I'm a rogue sweetheart. I always do."


The next day goes smoothly as we start to hash out the details and implementation of the new security measures. Towards the end, however, Levin steps out to take a call. When he comes back in, I can immediately tell that something is wrong. His jaw is slightly clenched and his eyes aren't focused. His mind is somewhere else. Malia and Kadeem seem to pick up on it too as they decide to push to end the meeting soon after.

"I think we've covered enough for today. How about we resume this tomorrow?" Malia asks.

Kadeem supports her and says "I agree. It's been a long day of deliberations. That okay with you Levin?"

"Yes of course. We'll break here for today."

Everyone gets up to leave and go to their respective houses but Malia follows us to Levin's place. As soon as we enter, Levin starts to head straight for his office and they immediately follow. I want to go too and find out what's going on but I can't just stick my nose in pack business.

I can't shake the feeling though.  Whatever it is, I know that it does not bode well for me.

Nolan's slice of paradise had to end at some point. Rogue life is never peaceful...

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