Chapter 3

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The weight of several wolves is bearing down on me and I can barely breathe. They all anxiously await the go ahead from their alpha to kill me. I can feel the bloodlust in the air. I'm trying to wheeze out my defense before they do. "Want...not...kill...I...rogue...was...instinct." No one pays me any mind though. I essentially attacked their alpha. I'm done for. Well damn. If I were going to die anyway, I should've just came in swinging from the start.

A loud growl fills the air. All the other wolves immediately back up and I look up to see a huge light grey wolf staring down at me. He's absolutely beautiful. So this is what Levin's wolf form looks like. He trots towards a tree and every wolf stands still. A minute later he emerges with only a shorts on. Even in my state of fearing for my life, I can't help but notice how sexy he is.

"Stand down. Everyone stand down. Malia and Kadeem can stay. Everyone else leave." A few whines fill the air but he shoots them a murderous glare. Damn. He just got sexier.

As the other wolves leave, Levin clears his throat. I look up at him again and he has his hand outstretched to me. I take his hand and get up. All the while, the two remaining wolves are still glaring at me.


An awkward silence fills the air. My brows involuntarily furrow. Levin isn't even looking at me.


"Huh? Yes what?"

"Yes, you can stay for awhile."

My jaw almost drops. Meanwhile, the two wolves shake their heads in disbelief. "What made you change your mind?"

"Does it matter? Anyway, you're crazy you know that? You could've died if I didn't pay attention to what you were gasping out. And I must admit I should've known better than to try to touch you when the situation was so tense. Your wolf side would have been all the way on edge."

"It does matter but if you don't want to tell me that's fine...for now," I say with a slight smirk. The corners of his mouth turn up slightly in response. He should know I like my questions answered. I never get sidetracked. "So how are you going to explain to your pack why there's a random rogue on your territory?"

He looks a little sheepish. "Haven't gotten that far in the plan yet."

I burst out laughing. This guy is something else. "Bruh. You're the most impulsive alpha I have ever met."

"I'm not impulsive; I just follow my instincts. They haven't led me wrong yet."

"Hmm." We stare at each other until a clearing of the throat breaks the silence. I hadn't even realized the wolves had changed to their human forms.

Levin chuckles. "Where are my manners? The rude one is my second in command, Malia, and the other is my third in command, Kadeem. Guys, this is..." He trails off and looks at me, wondering what name he should use. And by a stroke of luck, I come up with something good on the spot.

"Gwennol. But everyone calls me Nol."

"That's strange. You would think they'd call you Gwen," Malia replies with a flat look. I smile. She's suspicious of me and she's very right to be. Unfortunately for her, I seem to be on point with my lies today.

"My older sister is Gwen so I got Nol," I say with a light chuckle.

"So where is she? Your 'older sister'. Why aren't you with her?"

This girl is starting to get on my nerves but I manage to keep the smile on my face while I reply. "No offence babydoll but I don't believe that's any of your business."

That immediately gets her bristling. "Excuse me?!"

Levin starts to step in but I hold up my hand to stop him. Her brows shoot up immediately at that and so do his and Kadeem's. I really have to watch my mannerisms. They have no idea that I'm an alpha and would expect me to show Levin more respect. "I understand that I'm on your territory and you don't know me, furthestmore trust me. However, your alpha already gave permission for me to be here. Therefore, I'm not obligated to answer any of your questions. But I do hope that we can end up getting along...or at least peacefully co-existing." She glares at me. I broaden my smile. I can't help but taunt her a little. And that's when Levin decides it's time to speak.

"Well now that we have the introductions out of the way. Now to decide how to explain you to my pack."

"Yeah. Still waiting on that explanation. Cause I've known you your whole life; I know all your friends and this girl ain't one of them," says Kadeem.

"Look, you guys are just going to have to trust me." He turns to me. "And I better not be wrong to trust you."

"I can say the same to you. We both know it'd be much easier for you to screw me over than for me to screw you."

"True. Well in any case, I've come up with the perfect explanation. I'll just say you're an old friend helping me with our security. Who better than an actual rogue, right?"

"Oh? So now we're friends." Levin laughs. "But I don't mind actually helping you with your security cause we both know it's a joke. It seems you rely on your 'king of the south' reputation too much," I say while rolling my eyes.

"So now you want us to show you our security measures? This whole situation is fishy Levin. I don't think that giving a person that we don't know or trust a tour of our territory and its security is a good idea," Malia says.

"Maybe not. But she's right; it's clearly a joke if she can slip through it so easily. You haven't left, right?" I shake my head no. "Right. So Nol has been on our territory for a week without anyone noticing her."

"Wait what?! You knew she was here a week ago and you allowed her to stay?"

"Shit. Probs shouldn't have mentioned that."

"Levin. Who is this girl? What does she have over you?" Kadeem asks.

I turn to Levin. "To be honest, I was curious myself. I was surprised you didn't come back for me. Frankly, this whole thing is very suspicious and I am beginning to wonder if I should really stay. Why do you trust me so much?"

Levin sighs. "Okay. You want to know the truth? Fine. You're an asset. If everyone else wasn't so small-minded, they'd see that too. It'd be a waste to let you die when you could work for me." I raise my eyebrows. "I mean with me." Well, he is a lot more cunning than I thought. This all works out for him in the end. If I refuse, he can kill me at any time while I'm in pack territory. And I know he'll have at least 2 wolves following me at all times so it'd be hard to get away. Damn.

"Well played."

"Thank you. But everything I said about my instincts telling me to trust you was true. I have a good feeling about this."

"Wait a minute. How is she an asset? What aren't you telling us?" Malia asks.

"I'm sorry guys. I can't reveal that yet."

"Cause we'd never trust her if you do?" asks Kadeem. Levin doesn't respond. "Well f&*%."


After I get my stuff, we walk further into pack territory. I really wonder if it was the right idea to do this. Is alleviating my boredom worth this level of risk? I'm just so tired of being on the run though. And surprisingly, like Levin, my instincts are telling me that I can trust him too. But if anyone catches wind that I'm here, there will be a war. I'm a renowned fugitive after all. I can't believe he'd risk that. Well he could always give me up and claim he didn't know. Sigh. I don't know what to think.

Okay. I'll give this two weeks, a month tops. Then I'll leave and find a new place to camp out. I can't risk staying in one place for too long. As welcoming as death may be, I'm not ready for it just yet.

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading!
Do you think Nolan can trust Levin? What other motives could he be hiding? Tell me in the comments. And don't forget to vote if you liked it (:

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