Chapter 9

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After a while, I hear a polite knock on my door. I open it to reveal Kadeem standing there, tension rolling off of him in waves. His eyes harden when he sees me.

"Come with me."

He makes me walk in front of him, hyper vigilant to my every move. From this I know that Levin finally told them. And since he did, I know that I was right. That phone call was about me and the shit is about to hit the fan.

I enter the room and Kadeem closes the door. He and Malia take up defensive positions beside Levin.

"So you told them."

He sighs deeply. "I had to. We have a bit of a situation."

"Yes, the phone call you received. What was it about?"

"The alpha of the your old pack, Jean Dorant, wants to set up a meeting with me to discuss an urgent matter."

"F%^*. How'd he even know that I was here?" I mumble to myself.

That name brings back so many memories. Jean was the appointed beta, an opportunist snake who supported all the underhanded things my old alpha would do. He was in on the alpha's plan and led everyone to believe the narrative that they had devised. To be honest, I think if I hadn't killed the alpha, he would've killed him himself. He'd do anything for power.

"It seems that we have sprung a leak. And seeing as there were only 4 people who knew about you, including myself, this leak is at the highest level."

The elders. If it was just one, then they can have the perpetrator removed, disgraced or even shunned. It'd be a bit difficult to explain to the pack, but they would have no choice but to follow the alpha's ruling. However, if they colluded and it was all three of them, then Levin is in a tight spot. There's no way the faith that the pack has in Levin is that strong yet. He's a fairly new alpha. And the elders are the old leaders. People still probably respect the old regime just as much, if not more than they do Levin.

"Alrighty then. Well I appreciate you allowing me to stay and it's been-"

"You're not leaving."

I pause. Is he slow? "Of course I am. Are you right in the head? One or more of the elders ratted me out. Therefore, my old pack doesn't just suspect, they know that I'm here. There will be no convincing them otherwise."

"Well technically if I say you aren't here, then you aren't here. They can't come onto my land unless they intend to start a war."

"First of all, you are not risking a goddamn war over me and your ego! These are people's lives you're talking about!"

His fists clench. He abruptly stands and starts pacing.

"I know. I know I can't do that. I'm talking out my ass. Clearly."

"You said it, not me. Furthermore , one or more of your elders disregarded your orders. This means that your pack's command structure is unstable and that kind of volatility is dangerous. Not to mention that an action like that cannot go unpunished. If it gets out that it was due to me being here, the resentment of your pack members will reach an all-time high. Especially if they know that I'm a fugitive. Not only will they kill me, you'll be overthrown with ease."

"Shit. I know okay? I know!"

"Then why are you fighting this?"

He finally stops pacing and looks at me. "Because I can't let you leave."

"What..." And then it hits me. They know that I'm here which means that Levin has to hand me over. If I escape, he looks weak. If he lets me go, they can go after him for aiding and abetting.

All of a sudden my knees start to feel weak and I stumble back until I hit the nearest chair and sink into it. I put my face in between my hands, gripping my hair. Deep breaths Nol. Deep breaths.

Then something snaps inside of me. Laughter bubbles up in my chest and I let out a chuckle. Then another. Then another. Soon, I'm laughing uncontrollably. I look up to see Levin staring at me with concern, while Malia's and Kadeem's hackles rise. This invites another round of laughter.

"So this is it for me. 4 years on the run and it's finally over."

Don't hate me for the short chapter! Things are just about to heat up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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