Chapter 7

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I'm released after a couple seconds. I frantically scramble to get my head above water. I sputter and cough uncontrollably, trying to push the water from my lungs. Someone tries to pull my hand and I automatically shove him and try to get away to the shore. I pull myself up, still wheezing, and scurry to a nearby tree, putting my back against it. My senses are on high alert, scanning for the danger that I'm facing. My eyes, ears and nails have shifted into wolf form. I want to shift fully but I can't chance being attacked while doing so.

"Nol." My eyes dart up towards the voice. It's Levin. That doesn't calm my nerves though. Why was I just attacked? Is this a setup?

"Hey. I know your hackles are raised right now, and reasonably so. My bodyguards thought you were attacking me and rushed in to retaliate instinctively. I rose to the surface only to realize you were being held down. I'm so sorry. Please calm down. You're okay. It's safe."

My eyes flicker between him and the four guards behind him. I don't know what to believe. The rogue part of me wants to attack them and flee.

Levin notices that I'm still apprehensive, and orders them to retreat to the other side of the lake. They start to protest, but are cut off by a deep warning growl. They immediately heed his warning.

After they're gone, Levin slowly approaches me with his hands raised in surrender.

"I'm not going to hurt you." 

My eyes are trained on him, my body still trying to decide if he's friend or foe.

He reaches me and slowly kneels down. He tentatively touches my hand, his eyes locked on mine, and immediately my nails start to retract. I guess I decided he's a friend.

We continue to stare at each other. I take a couple deep breaths and completely calm myself down. Then my eyes and ears revert back to human form.

"Are you insane?! I could've killed you just now!"

"I knew you wouldn't though."

"You are severely overestimating my interest in you."

"Seeing as I'm not dead, or even injured, I don't think I am," he says with a slight smile. Not a smirk but a cute shy smile. I can't help but lift my hand to trace it with my thumb. He has such a nice smile. His eyes widen, but he allows it.

I hate to admit it, but he's right. I'm starting to care for him, which means he is extremely dangerous. I can't stay here for much longer. A deep sadness fills me after that realization. He notices my change in mood.

"What's wrong?"


"So I must answer your questions but you can't answer mine?"

I let out a slight chuckle. "Fair point." I decide to change the subject.

"My 'bodyguards' just tried to drown me," I say with a pointed look.

Levin rolls his eyes, knowing I'm not planning to answer his question. "You're unbelievable. But I am sorry about that. I should've known that play fighting was going to end badly."

"Same. An immense lapse of judgement on my part. I haven't played around with other wolves in years... I guess I missed it." I cast my eyes downwards and let out a soft sigh.

"It must suck being on the run."

I shrug. "Eh. I'm accustomed to it now I guess."

He opens his mouth to say something but then quickly closes it.



I give him a flat look but he just gives me an amused smirk in return.

"Tell me why you got so sad all of a sudden and I'll tell you what I was going to say."

I chuckle. "This isn't a negotiation."

"Well then I have nothing to say."

"You're annoying," I say while rolling my eyes.

He laughs. "Annoying? Coming from you?"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" I say with a light shove.

All he does is laugh. Pfft.


We are back at Levin's place. I had a long warm soak in the tub, and now I'm in my room just lazing around reading a book. I can hear the children playing outside. And a wonderful aroma is rising up from the downstairs kitchen. These are the days that I miss. It feels so homey here. I haven't been on a pack's grounds in such a long time.

Tomorrow is the day where I show Levin the first step in my new security plan. It has to do with my patrol schedule. I don't know what theirs is but I'm pretty confident mine is better.

I purposely left two loopholes for my escape, just in case one is blocked off. After I leave I'll be sure to send Levin a letter to let him know to close those up. If I leave those holes open to enemies and something happens to him I know I will never forgive myself.

The sound of a child's crying drifts through my window. I look outside to see it's a little girl. It seems that her balloon is floating away. I hop out the window onto the tree outside and quickly scale it in order to catch it before it flies away. Luckily I'm fast and agile and manage to get hold of it. I climb down the tree and go to give it to her. She starts to run to me but a pair of arms snatch her up with a protective growl. I'm guessing it's her mother. I let out a small sigh. I can already feel my 'bodyguards' ready to jump in.

I look around for a rock. As soon as I spot one I walk over and lift it and put the balloon string underneath. I leave it there for the mother to retrieve and climb back up the tree and into my room.


Unbeknownst to me, two of the pairs of eyes watching me belonged to Levin and his father.


"I'm telling you papi. She can't be as bad of a person as everyone is being led to believe."


Thanks for reading! Please vote if you like it ^.^ And tell me what you thought of this chapter in the comments below!

The Rogue AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora