Ch. 2- These walls echo still.

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Papyrus was falling behind me, both of us shaking in our boots. I kept my hood up, hoping nobody would notice how scared I was. But Papyrus was all out, jumping at the slightest sound as we walked through those giant doors. I look around at the beautiful golden painted walls. All it's glory, all the beauty. The paintings... I look and stop a a picture of the king and queen... I had never seen them in real life but.. Amazing... Just amazing, they look so happy... And i'm here, a lost and childish skeleton... I look at the king, a bold and noble leader no less... No wonder my Brother wants to be like him... I look down at the Queen... Somehow, I feel like I know this woman, she seems so... Familiar... But I know I don't so I continue to walk. The lights shine down on me, and at this moment I feel as if nothing could ever go wrong. I look around, my brother long gone in the throne room. Leaving me in this empty echoing hall... I'm about to leave to the throne room when I look up at a final picture. It's a small furry child smiling cheerily... He seems so happy, like he knows no pain... I can't bear looking at him, I rush into the throne room. Looking down, I wonder... Who was the child? I had never seem him before and yet... Like the queen, I felt I knew him... But those thoughts quickly disappear as I entered the throne room. Walking down the huge rug, I look up finally. And there they are... King Asgore and Queen Toriel. My Brother is already there, standing tall. I sneak up behind him in embarrassment as he nudges me annoyed. 

"Brother, where have you been?!" He said rather agitated. I didn't respond as the King slowly stood up and walked down to us. I was plenty smaller, I felt a bit intimidated by this tall and stronger figure. I gulped a bit as he standed there proudly. And then did something pretty strange... Outstretching his arms, he pulled us both into a hug. My Brother looked away but I just stood there shocked. His voice boomed in the large room. 

"Welcome my friends!" he said cheerfully. I looked behind him at the queen, smiling a bit. She seemed happy... But she didn't... I didn't know. I just looked at this huge, burly man giving us the biggest bear hug alive. He eventually let us go, smiling happily. I glance around... The child I saw earlier is nowhere in sight... I sigh and look back at the smiling King. I smile a bit. But then the King stops smiling... 

"Brothers... You do understand the danger of this job? You could... Lose your lives..." he said solemnly. We both slowly nodded. Out Father talked to us about this. But we were the best swordsmen in the underground, together we could do anything! ... I think... The king immediately smiles again and reaches for a large trident. I feel a bit taken aback at the large weapon, larger than Pap's and mine combined. He lifts it no problem though, holding it high. He slowly lowers the large weapon on my brother's shoulders. Papyrus immediately kneels down nervously, the king's loud laugh booms out. 

"No need for bowing here my friend."  He says laughing still. My brother fumbles, standing up embarrassed. I try to hold in my laughter, but a bit escapes. Papyrus shoots me a dirty look, but can't help but smile as well. The king finally pulls back up to his solemn look and lowers the trident on his shoulders. My brother's eyes widened by the heavy weight, but still stood proud. The king looked down at my brother and it begin. His voice boomed yet again, echoing through the room. 

"Papyrus, brother of Sans, you have been chosen to do a task most would fear... I am sure you already understand the dangers, risks, and possible outcomes of this job." Papyrus merely nodded and looked up at the solemn king. "And you vow to fight for the underground, stay loyal... Stay Determined." He said the last word slowly. I don't know why, but the word made me shudder for a second. I saw Papyrus hesitate as if the word effected him too. But my brother eventually smiled and nodded excitedly. "My King, I vow to stay Determined until the rein of death shall come upon me. Which it never will, I am rather great." he said bowing. Me and the King glanced at each other and couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Well then, Papyrus I am happy to say, welcome to the guard." Papyrus finally stood up, smiling non-existent ear to non-existent ear. Then King then turned to me. 

I froze up as he placed his trident on my shoulder. The weight was nothing for me, but yet... I felt a different weigh, something indescribable. I felt as if... This wasn't the path I should choose. Like I know it would lead to disaster. Loss. Everything I fear... I shake it off, snapping back to reality. The king isn't solemn when he turns to me though... More of... Sad... I didn't understand it. He spoke up, words slow. 

"Sans, brother of Papyrus, you have been chosen to do a task most would fear... I am sure you already understand the dangers, risks, and possible outcomes of this job..." He stopped as I hesitated. I knew it all, the risks, the outcomes. But I also knew my power. Sure, I couldn't control it well, but I knew it'd be ok. Yet... I couldn't seem to nod. I let out a small "Mhm", words stuck fast in my throat er- you know what I mean.  I tried to nod, but I couldn't. I looked back at the queen again, no longer smiling. She had the same sad expression as the King. Was there something I didn't know? Was it of my Father? I know my Father worked with Asgore... What had he told them? The King spoke up again after the awkward and eerie silence. 

"And you vow to fight for the underground, stay loyal... Stay........ Determined." He held the last word out, as if he didn't wish to say it. I felt that chill go down my back again. I felt as if that word had a deeper meaning that i'd never know... Or I thought i'd never know. I stopped and it felt like the whole underground had paused. I could hear he word echo in this huge palace. "Determined... Determined... DETERMINED..." I gotta say, it really rattled my bones. I tried to let out a soft chuckle at my bad pun, but I couldn't seem to. The whole world... I felt nothing. Just me and that word. Determined. I finally felt a light tap on my shoulder, making me jump right outta my skin. I tried to laugh a bit again, but all I could do was blankly stare. My brother was looking at me concerned, the King with the same look. 

"Brother... Are you alright?" was all I made out. I felt numb, not that I don't all the time. I managed to laugh a bit this time, the King and Papyrus's faces changed to confused. I shook my head and let out a small "I'm fine." The King looked relieved, letting out a sigh. I swore I heard from him "Gaster mentioned this..." quietly. I looked up, trying not to seem like i'm acting strange. I take a deep breath and finally speak. "I vow on my life to protect the Underground... And stay Determined... 'Till death do I part." I said, sweeping my cloak and shifting into a bow. I glanced back up at the queen how was looking away. Why was this woman so nervous? She kept shifting around uncomfortable, and fumbling with her crown. I stood back up, drawing my hood back to my head. I chuckled because I felt like I could feel Papyrus roll his eyes and mutter about how anti-social I am. He always got irritated when I put my hood up, he never puts his up. The king was smiling yet again, like that weird moment had never happened. "Then Sans... I am happy to say... Welcome to the Guard!" 

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