Ch. 5- Not a game this time

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We ran straight in, yet everywhere we turned had pained monsters, covered in black ooze. We drew our swords, swinging as rapidly as we could. Some monsters got freed... Other were not so lucky... But there was no time to think of that. We continued to swing at the ooze kept coming. I glanced at Papyrus, who was currently trying to take a few to safety... What safety? We were surrounded... No way out as far as I could see... But we'd find one. We had to, in the name of the UnderGround... But where was it all coming from?! And where was Father?! He said he had an experiment today, but he should be helping! I growl to myself as I keep slicing. I had gotten out about 7 monsters, including the little kid... But as much as I keep trying, a new wave comes in and swallows them. I don't know if me and Papyrus can do it this time... I'm ready to yell for a full retreat when another wave comes in. I dodge it, but I see almost every monster be swept in. I yell for a retreat but... I see no monster in sight, all of them turned to dust... Another wave is coming in quick, we had to evacuate now... I'm about ready to run with Papyrus when I notice... He's not there... I panic. Did he get swept away too?! Where could he have gone?! Did he try to save the other monsters?! Ohhhhhhhh Asgore! I begin to search around, hoping the next wave won't drag me down. I jumped onto a building near me to get a good look. Standing atop Grillby's, I frantically looked. Where in the UnderGround could he be?! ... Then I saw it... I saw his head poke out from under the black ooze... I jumped down and prepared to dive in. But... If I go, then we both die... I had to try! After all... I'd DIE for him. I jumped in, going as quick as I could. I could see him, motionless and pained. I went faster and faster, trying to get to him. I yelled out his name but he didn't respond, just kept getting pulled farther and farther away. The ooze wrapped around my legs and arms, seeping up my neck. I could feel myself being pulled as well. The ooze seemed to be falling upon us, faster yet. I could feel it snake through my eye socket, as I wanted to scream. I opened my mouth to scream, but ooze just flushed in. Papyrus was no longer in view... I wanted to cry, but I couldn't even see... I might as well give up... Everyone else did... That was until I heard the small voice... It echoed in my mind, not my own voice... 

"But there is still hope..."  

Surprised, I try to look around. I lift an arm and wipe my eyes off a bit. I wipe my whole face off, black smeared on me still. 

"W-Who's there?" I said weakly. The voice continued. 

"There is still hopes... And dreams... DETERMINATION..." It kept talking. I then saw it... Floating in front of me was a glowing object. It was gold and shaped like a star... Like my pin on my cloak... It continued to speak. 

"Do not be afraid. I shall help you... Greetings Sans... I am..." It stops... 

"Y-You are?" I could feel my foot beginning to turn to dust. I scream a bit. 

"Quickly" It said. "Touch the Save Point... Trust me... With Hopes and Dreams as your guide..."  I didn't wanna trust this strange voice... Yet... It was so calming... So... Familiar... I reached out for the glowing things floating so peacefully in all this chaos... I lightly touched it... And light flooded my eyes. I screamed in pain, feeling this thing slowly pushing it's way in my ribs. Falling to the ground, it weaved it's way inside me. It pierced me, I could feel it's magic pull through my arm. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I surged through me... And the last thing I saw was a face... A face of a child, smiling. I could hear it speak out, it had the same voice I heard from the glowing "Save Point". 

"My... Name... I-Is..."  

(A few hours later) 

... I wake up, looking around frightened. My AU... My home... All in ruins, nothing but dust as far as the eye could see... Eye... I... I couldn't see out of my left eye socket... I lightly touch the left side of my skull. I could feel the black ooze on it, but not consuming me. But how...? ... I slowly look at my left arm. It was covered in black ooze, drying up on it, forming weird swirly patterns. I try to jump away from it in fright, only to remember it's me... I look at my right side. It's in perfect tact, not ooze at all... My left leg on the other hand, was the same as my arm. Coated. Dead... Indescribable... I felt as if there was a hole in my soul... My soul which I didn't feel... I slowly lifted my shirt up, looking at the place where my soul should be...But all I saw was that golden "Save Point" floating in my rib cage. I wanted to run away from myself, but how could I? I just looked at it in pure horror... Collapsing to the ground, I sat there... Looking at the remains of my home... I sat and I cried... For Papyrus... My Father... Everyone... All I can do... Is cry... 

............. (Somewhere...)

📬📬📬 💣✡ 💧⚐☠📬📬📬 ✋ ✌🏱⚐☹⚐☝✋☪☜ ☞⚐☼ 🕈☟✌❄ ✋ ☟✌✞☜ 👎⚐☠☜📬📬📬 ❄☟☜☼☜ 🕈✌💧📬📬📬 ✌📪 🕆💣📬📬📬 ✌👍👍✋👎☜☠❄ ✋☠ ❄☟☜ ☹✌👌📬📬📬 👌🕆❄ ☼☜💣☜💣👌☜☼ 💧⚐☠📬📬📬 💧❄✌✡ 💧 

(... My Son... I apologize for what I have done... There was... A, um... Accident in the lab... But remember Son... Stay strong... I am watching you every step of the way... This I-IS... NOT A G-GA-

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