Ch. 11- More... Me?

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I've been waiting for a few days, waiting... For that low down buddy of mine... I have nothing to do without my sword, can't patrol, can't do... Anything... So I talked to the voice. She gave me comfort, but it didn't make the situation better, my sword was still gone. 

"It's alright Legend, h-he meant well... He'll be back soo-" But she got cut off. A cloud of purple smoke can in and low and behold, there was Lust and his Brother, looking smug as ever. They rejoined and he stood there in silence... My sword in his hands... I took quick action, diving for my sword but he pulled it up and grabbed me by my cloak. I was shocked, starting to flail around. "Lust! Lemme GO!" I whined. He didn't respond and shook his head, teleporting away with me in tow. I scrambled around, but no avail came. But he suddenly dropped me. I groaned and looked up at him. He shook his head and kneeled down next to me. 

"Legend, listen close~" he hissed in my "ear." I shivered but nodded. 

"W-What is it?" I said nervously. He sighed and looked down at me. I knew this news couldn't be good... 

"I-I had another... Lust attack... Please Legend, for my sake, take my place here. I can't stay here with people I-I love!~" he said as he looked out at a small human in the distance. "Please...~"

I didn't know what to say... What to do... But I nodded. Crap... He handed me my sword and nudged me out. Smiling, he said the last words I heard from him. "Thank you...~" 

And he was gone... Taking a deep breath, I looked out at the people he mentioned... Skeletons... A lot of them... But how? Was there this much more... Me??? I shrugged and walked out, sinking into this weird, warm substance. Looking at water for the first time in forever, I looked ahead to see the first skeleton here. But they looked different... With black substances floating out of their head, and clothes I had never seen before. A smaller skeleton was in their hands... I approached slowly, my sword slung over my shoulder. Coming up behind them, I tried to smile, getting ready to speak. But before I could, they turned around and let out a high pitched scream and picking up the smaller skeleton, yelling "FRESH!" and running away. 

I got confused as a strangely dressed skeleton with glasses came out, pushing the other skeletons behind him. "PJ?! You ok?!" he said in a warning tone. 

I cocked my head and, in my British accent (Yes, Legend's British XD), questioned "What did I do?" I wanted to smack my face. Nice job genius. 

The skeleton behind the "Fresh" guy, likely a girl from the scream, looked out from behind him and retorted "Who are you?!"

"Uhh..." I said, lost in this confusing moment. "The real question is, who are you and why are you screaming?" I said, slowly looking up at my God Sword and noticing. "OH!" 

The girl skeleton, or "PJ", looked pretty angry. "WHO GOES UP FROM BEHIND SOME?!" She yelled, storming in front of me, "THERE'S A THING CALLED PERSONAL SPACE!" she growled. 

Truth be told, I was scared. I'd never been yelled at like this, or even outside of my AU... Putting on a smile (kinda), I tried to seem nice. "So sorry miss! I'm just kind of..." I had to think of an excuse "... Lost... Anyways, hello!" I said smiling under my hood, putting my sword away. But the skeleton didn't seem to like my reply, about ready to hit me. I was getting really nervous by now.

"Uh... M-Miss? Are you ok?" I said, voice wavering. I'm so glad my hood is up, she cant see how nervous I am... But the skeleton stopped and grabbed the smaller skeleton. "And I was about to build a sand castle!" she huffed, storming away... My face went blank. What... What just happened? Shaking my head, I looked back at the glasses Sans... Fresh... I swear I've heard that na-... Lust! He told me about him! Finding the words, I spoke up. 

"Uh... So are you the ones my friend told me about? Are you Fresh?" I questioned. 

"The one and only!" he smiled, "Wait... Are you Lust's buddy?" I smiled and copied him. "The one and only!" I chuckled. But our conversation stopped when I heard screams from the watter. "H-Help!" someone cried out. Taking action quick, I looked at the water, seeing yet another skeleton out there. My guardsman instincts kicked in as I jumped into the water, swimming down to grab this new person. Finally grabbing them, I pulled them up and onto land, soaking wet. A shorter skeleton is running over yelling "FRESHY!" 

Checking her soul beat, I knew she was ok. She started coughing, slowly sitting up. The shorter one, with a yellow crown, ran over. "FRESHY! ARE YOU OK!?" she didn't respond but asked "Who... Helped me?" 

The short one stopped and slowly pointed at me. "He did... Only because Fresh wouldn't lemme go!" he retorted angrily. The lady nodded and put her hand out for me. "Thank you stranger..." she smiled. I took her hand and kissed it, bowing. "Just doing my job miss." The short one turned red. "HEY HEY HEY! BACK UP BUD!" he said, bumping me with a starry like staff. The girl blushes. "It's ok Dream, you're alright." I drew my hood up further, despite it being wet. I looked down at the short one, assuming to be Dream. 

"And you are?" 

"Someone you don't wanna mess with!" he replied hotly. "And... Dream." He said, crossing his arms. I suddenly remembered with Lust had told me. "Wait... Aren't you the Prince who lost his Brother for year? Nightmare was his name, right? You're the DreamTale Prince, of course!" The girl nodded, since Dream wouldn't say. 

"Well, I'll be inside you two... Buh-Bye stranger!" she said, skipping off. As soon as she left, Dream turned to me, grinning. Turning on his power eye on, he lifted me and grinned. Laughing evilly, he said "Don't you ever mess with me or HER. EVER." And with that he dropped me. 

So today was successful... I made friends, and maybe a few enemies... But what lied ahead of me... Heh, I... I really don't know. 


Neither do I, Legend... Neither do I.

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