Ch. 7- 3 Years pass by fast...

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I woke up in my bed with a jolt. I had that dream yet again... The dream that's never finished... Where I almost hear the name, and then... The voice is gone... I must have screamed again, because I could hear Flowey's grumbling. He was yelling inaudible things from his shelf... I'm kinda glad I couldn't make out what he was saying... Slowly standing up, I walked over to Flowey's "Bed". He refused to face me, so I just picked his pot up and walked back to my bed. Setting him down, I pulled my cloak on... Like every day... Picking Flowey up again, I walk out and down the looming halls. Doing my daily check for Amalgamates, I snuck off to the door. And hence, another day began... Another lonely day... But that didn't matter. We had to be on the look out! For... Anything. Hotland looked the same as every day... Dead... No life anywhere... Except for me, Flowey, and the Voice. That... Weird, yet familiar voice... She always did have good advice for me. Yeah... I refer to her as a she. It just seems like she's a... Well, a she. Anyways, I walked out of Hotland and into Waterfall. Placing Flowey's pot down, he slowly lifted a few vines and pulled himself into the ground. I knew he'd be back once I finished my rounds. I set off for Snowdin, to check if there was anything in sight. While walking, I whistled to myself as I went. It was my Brother's "Battle song" as he had called it. I look around at all the beauty of my home, even with most of it being destroyed. The ceiling stars still shone, my covered up sentry station still was there, and... What's the point in trying? It was all gone and I knew it... Only me and Flowey lived now. And we had to help each other to survive, as much as we disliked each other. But for the most part... Flowey was ok... Sometimes at night I could hear him crying out names... I heard that one name the most... Chara... Sometimes i'd hear Toriel or Asgore, the former king and queen... He'd never tell me why he says their names, but I never questioned. Whenever I could hear him crying, i'd just take his pot, set it on my bed next to me, and he'd fall asleep. I guess we both need someone sometimes... Sometimes he'd complain about how i'd yell out for Papyrus or Gaster in my sleep... But he knew we were both stuck in this together. So we'd stay as one. But as I was lost in my thought, she spoke up. She'd sometimes just talk to me, but she sounded urgent this time. 

"Sans. We must go. Now. To the RUINS. I-... I sense something" 

Now, she's rarely ever wrong. I nodded and started running, jumping into the torn up trees. With the Save Point attached to me, I had become faster... Stronger...  And if I was hurt... Well, I just heal, thanks to her. Without her, i'd probably have not survived... No... I wouldn't have survived. Jumping faster, she continued to talk to me. I could hear her clearly inside me... Or, something like that. 

"Sans. Stop here and look down... I just know something is here, but... I don't know what"

I stopped, watching the RUINS door from the trees. I waited... And waited... And waited. For what seemed like hours I waited, but since there is no time or even Night and Day in the UnderGround... I couldn't tell. I was about to up and leave, but then she spoke out. 

"Sans! Look!" 

I rolled my eye socket, looking down for a final time. Flowey was probably waiting. But... She wasn't wrong. Coming out of the door, I saw a small figure poke their head out. Beat up and looking pained, the shut the huge door behind them... This was... A human... 

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