Chapter 1

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Riley had invited me to Topanga's to catch up over a coffee on a Saturday morning for the first time in over a week. She had been with Farkle everyday after school since they started dating two weeks ago meaning we never went to hers anymore.

I loved going back to the bay window everyday but I appreciated the fact that we were getting older and boys would come into our lives and change that slightly. To be honest I always thought Riley would end up with Lucas since they dated for a year but it never really worked out for them as Lucas broke up with her. We're all still best friends obviously and surprisingly nothing was awkward between us.

I got ready to go out dressing in a graphic tee and jeans throwing on my leather jacket, the I left the door. Topanga's was only a short ten minute walk from my house so I got there in no time.

When I reached the door I looked theough the window to see not just Riley waiting but Farkle as well. As much as I loved Farkle I hated hanging out with the two of them since I was clearly the third wheel. I sat down with them anyway since I had nothing better to do and I'd missed talking to Riley and seeing her being her normal goofy self.

M- "hey Riley, Farkle I didn't know you were coming"

F- "I wasn't going to but I came in to get a smoothie and my little ray of sunshine was here so I joined her"

M- "oh okay, I just thought Riley and I could have our girl talk"

I might have sounded slightly mean like I was trying to get rid of Farkle, I mean I kind of was but he was still my friend. I thought both of them were cute together but it made me a bit jealous that I had no one like that to give me cute nicknames, I'd be fine on my own though.

R- "we can have our girl talk tonight if you want to sleep over"

M- "I'd love to"

R- "great because I think I need to set you up with someone"

M- "what do you mean"

R- "I have a boyfriend so you need one so we can talk about them together"

What was Riley going to try to do?

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