Chapter 2

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After Farkle finally left Riley and I started to walk back towards her house. I had suffered two hours and them holding hands and flirting between the two of them as they sat as close as possible to each other.

Of course it had been really awkward for me since Riley giggled at every little thing he said, even if it was a simple as "I'm going to get a cheese sandwich," I mean I don't really see anything funny with that.

Anyway, it was about 2pm a so we decided to go shopping since she had left her keys at home and Cory and Toganga were out taking Auggie to one of his friends house. The shops were just in between Rileys and the cafe so it was on our way.

We went into all the usual shops like Victoria's Secret and Forever 21 until we came across Demolition. I always used to shop here until I decided to change up my look a bit but it was nice to look at the clothes I used to love to wear. I saw a dress that looked about my size, it was really pretty so I picked it up to look at the price.

R- "that would be perfect for the date I'm going to set you up on"

M- "Riley, I haven't even agreed to go on any date"

R- "but the we can go on double dates"

M- "but we don't know any guys"

R- "yes we do, we know all the ones in our friendship group"

It would be really awkward going on a date with one of my best friends but being the good best friend I am I agreed to go on one date as long as she bought the pretty dress I saw.

I already knew who the date would be with since Riarkle was a thing and some thing was defiantly going on between Zay and Isadora. Lucas was nice and all but I could only see him as a friend, I'd just have to explain that I didn't really like him that way and we'd have to fake date.

The rest of the night I pretended to be excited for the date that was scheduled for tomorrow. I'd texted Lucas explaining what Riley was planning so he knew what was going on. Like me he only saw me as a friend so it wasn't going to be too bad, just two good friends meeting pretending to be a couple with a couple.

Fake Date - LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now