Chapter 3

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R- "Peaches, are you excited for your date"

M- "my date? More like you and Farkle's date"

R- "stop being so miserable, can you not be the least bit excited"

M- "OMG, yay I totally have always wanted to date huckleberry and my dream has finally come true. Is that any better"

R- "It won't be that bad, come one lets get ready"

We started choosing an outfit for Riley to wear since I was just going to wear the one I saw in Demotition. I didnt understand why she bothered into making herself look perfect for a date with Farkle, don't get me wrong he's nice and all but them two have known each other their entire lives and had seen her in her worst days.

Still we picked a pretty floral dress and some nice shoes that were the same colour. We both did each others hair and makeup until we heard a knock at the door meaning they were here.

I walked over to let them in to see Lucas clearly checking me out, I know I told him to act as if he was looking forward to the date but this was a bit too far.

M- Lucas, eyes up here

L- um yeah sorry

F- is Riley ready yet

M- is she ever ready on time?

F- no I guess not, could you tell her to hurry up, she wants to go the fun fair and it will be closed soon

In perfect timing she grabbed her bag and walked over to us, she looked especially excited when she saw Lucas and I standing next to each other, this was going to be a long day.

Fake Date - LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now