Chapter 8

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A week had gone by and I'd been so busy doing artwork that I hadn't had time to check up on any of my friends so any feelings I'd started to develop for Lucas hadn't occurred to me in a while. I'd arranged to meet up with Riley because she was convinced that we needed to talk about our dates, it would probably just be riles gushing about how cute her and Farkle were together.

I walked to Topangas and saw her sitting in our usual seat ready with my favourite smoothie.

R- "so, are you like totally in love with Lukey now"

M- "ew no, and Lukey really?"

R- "it didn't look like 'ew no' last week, Maya you were holding his hand and looking longingly into his eyes"

I must have made it pretty obvious that I was getting feelings. Riley was accurately describing the things that I thought no one noticed.

M- "I held his hand because he's a baby, no other reason"

R- "but you still texted him to check he got home safe"

M- "how do you know?"

R- "I guessed"

Riley could see right through me. She knew me better than anyone else, I didn't realise this would make her such a good match maker. Talking about Lucas was making all my feelings come running back and for once I wished she was talking about Farkle instead of talking about me.

M- "do you think Lucas can see through megs well as you can"

R- "probably not, but I think he has the same feelings for you"

Im not going to let my guard down, even if Riley thinks he likes me, Im not putting myself self out there. I don't want to be rejected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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