Chapter 6

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Once the ride had finished we went on some other rides but I made sure they weren't too scary for him as I didn't really want him holding onto me again. We soon decided to go and join Riley and farkle on the baby rides.

We saw them on the little caterpillar ride that went round in circles, even though it was simple they seemed to be having fun. They noticed us when they got off the ride and walked over.

R- "why have you come to see us? Were you not having fun on the big rides?"

M- "I was, but Lucas here got scared so we thought these rides would be more suitable"

F- "so how is your date going"

L- "it's fine"

R- "it looks more than fine to me, look at you two holding hands"

I didn't even realise we were holding hands, we mustn't have let go of each other after the rollercoaster. But instead of jumping apart from each other we just smiled at Riley and farkle, we had to convince them that the date was going well.

R- "how cute, do you all want to grab some food now?"

We went and got some food, just a hamburger and some fries each, then we left the funfair because we had been on most of the rides and had started to get bored. We went back to Riley's until Lucas wanted to go home.

L- "I better get home, my moms expecting me"

M- "sure, text me later"

R- "aww doesn't he get a goodbye kiss?"

M- "I don't kiss on the first date"

R- "but you could"

L- "yes Maya, you could"

I thought he was on my side. I walked up to him, stood on my tip toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. That was all he was getting.

Fake Date - LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now