Chapter 5

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We sat down on the ride and lucas clearly didnt look happy but to be honest I didn't really care, its not like we were on a proper date or anything. Anyway he said he was fine with it before so it was no big deal. Most other places had bigger and better rides so if he couldn't deal with this he was being a baby.

L- "maya, are you sure about this? Look there are three loop de loops and and two massive drops"

M- "i know, i told you that before. Ive been on much better ones than this, look it isn't even scary"

L- "um I'm not too sure about it, would you mind if i got off?"

Just after he said that the barriers came down on the seats and the roller coaster started to move which made me smile, thinking he was stuck on this ride even though he was probably terrified.

M- "I wouldnt mind but I think its too late"

As soon as we got to the first drop Lucas started screaming like a small child causing the other people to look at us. I moved over in my seat to try and make it look like he was with me, gosh he was embarrassing. He shut his eyes tight and the coaster dipped suddenly.

I dreaded the next drop which was obviously bigger meaning he would create more of a scene so I was nice and tried to help him, only because I couldn't deal with all the stares again.

M- "hey, how about you hold on to my hand, would that make it any better?"

L- "yes please"

M- "oh my god you literally sound like a five year old"

L- "shut up, were only a few seconds from the dip"

Instead of simply holding my hand, he grabbed my entire body as if I was his little teddy bear. To my surprise I put my arms around him for comfort. At least it made him shut up.

Fake Date - LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now