Nine Zombie

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They say that the best love is insane,”One Republic

Nine Zombie

The faint light of the bulb flickered off the wall.  Our shadows were sitting close, it almost looked like we were caught in a  embrace, the way his shadow fell over mine making it seem as if he were the gentle shed and I was the lost bird.

“Why?” he asked.

            I never realized how much I wanted speak out- those things. Out of all people, I had to confess my deepest secrets to a stranger, a stranger who was becoming so much more.

“Why did I give up on myself?” I hummed. “Why?”

            He was waiting, his lips drawn into a mute line; brown eyes watched me with warmth causing a strange ghastly sensation to enter my body.

            I took in a deep breath. I couldn’t say it.

My lids fell down and my head sunk into the granite counter. Tears landed on the counter before I could order them to stop.

            There was a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it,” He whispered, his hand lay still on my shoulders.

Before I knew it, I rose, my arms fell- right around his shoulder. He didn’t flinch away; instead he opened up into an embrace. I breathed in, my head buried in his Kashmiri sweater.

He held me, tightly. “Are you okay?”

And this time I replied honestly. “No,”

            I unwrapped myself from him, my cheeks beet red. Chocolate Fudge, I shouldn’t have done that.

Devlin didn’t seem to mind- a blank expression covered his face.

            “I’m sorry,” I spoke, drying my cheeks with the back of my hand. “I should leave,”

“Do have a place to go?”

            I bit down on my lips, shaking my head. 

“You should stay here,”   I was surprised by his offer. I stared at him for a moment. His eyes looked sincere and so did his intentions. But I wouldn’t take advantage of that. I couldn’t.

            “No, it’s alright. I’ll manage,” I got up from the stool, straitening my hoodie. “You’ve done too much for me,”

            “Are you sure I did this for you?” a strange smile overtook his lips; I started at him in confusion.  What was he talking about?

“What do you mean?”

            “I mean a-lot of things it depends on what you think of them,” In one swift motion he got off the stool, standing- uncomfortably close to me. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. “Maybe I did this for myself,”

            “I don’t get you,”

He shrugged his shoulders. “You should stay here,”

“But I can’t,” I replied unsure. My mother had warned me about this. She told me to never trust a stranger no matter how friendly he may seem to be.


“Because I can’t trust you,”

            “Do you have a reason to not to trust me?”

He did have a point. He had saved my life...twice.

            I chewed the inside of cheeks. I can’t trust him. I shouldn’t be trusting him.  “No,” I finally replied.

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