Chapter 2

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Le Hands

We see people always moving their hands while talking, but what does the actions they do mean? We are now going to look into hand actions and what they can do ;)

Let's start:

Hands clenched: So, this one is pretty basic and most people already know, but I am still going to put it in (that's what she said). Clenched fists usually means defensive, aggression, and determination. If you see someone do this, you might want to back up.

Hands clenched with your thumb inside (don't punch like this, please) it can mean insecurity, frustration, and self comfort.

Touching/ scratching nose (while speaking): This one I found pretty interesting. When someone touches their nose while speaking to you, you can assume that they are lying or exaggerating.

Touching nose (while listening): If someone is doing this while listening to you, they are listening to you and thinking about what you are saying.

Neck scratching: This can mean disbelief, or doubt.

Hands on hips: When you see this sassy pose, just know it is basically sass. Confidence, readiness, or availability if you want to get specific.

Hand clasping wrist: The hand clasping the wrist, whether it be behind or in front of the persons body, can mean frustration.

Hands in pockets: This one is kind of obvious because pretty much everyone does it, but a person can be bored or disinterested. Or their hands may be cold, who knows?

Handshake: Job interview? Using both hands in a handshake refers to seeking to convey trustworthiness and honesty, and seeking to control. If just one hand, palm up means submission, accommodating, and palms down means dominance.

A firm handshake means the person is confident, and an equal and vertical one can mean non-threatening and relaxed.

Chopping movements: Like cutting some vegetables in mid air, you usually see someone doing this while making a passionate speech where they are trying to get their point through. You see it a lot in politics. No one likes politics.

Rubbing hands: You probably do this motion before eating some delicious cake. It means anticipation, or relishing something to come.

Clasping/squeezing hands: I do this a lot before a speech, or just meeting new people. You may be uncomfortable, or nervous/fearful. It is also the same when rubbing the wrist.

Hand supporting face/chin: I do this all the time in class when listening to a teacher. It is because I am bored and/or tired, but it can also mean evaluation.

Ear tugging: This is related to indecision, or self comfort.


There was so many things I could find for hand movements, and I only put some of them in. If you want to know more, just search it up or check the websites below.

I put the ones where I think would be most useful, and tried not to put such obvious ones in.

Sorry for taking a while to update, I just started my last year at high school, so you know... school, homework, study, eat, sleep. Depressing life. I find refuge on the weekends tho. So I'll keep trying to update one chapter each weekend.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you learnt something new :D


Websites used:

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