Chapter 4: Three's a crowd, Eight's A Party

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The get-together at Knot's family house had yet to get into full-swing when Kongpob and Arthit arrived, bearing three six-packs and a plastic bag full of snacks.

His parents were away on a business trip and what other better way to kick off the upcoming term break than with a party? The dining table was full of alcoholic drinks and finger food, and it seemed that getting wasted was on the agenda tonight.

When was it not?

"Beer?" Prem asked Wad, picking one up from the cooler. "Hey, Arthit. Kongpob." He greeted when the two came up to them. "Any of you seen Bright? He hasn't answered any of our texts."

Arthit grabbed two bottles for himself, handing the other one to his boyfriend. "Don't worry, he wouldn't miss a party where alcohol's involved."

They hung out around the pool for awhile, chatting and sharing jokes over beers and finger food. Prem occasionally snuck glances over at Wad, wanting to make sure that the younger male was comfortable. Wad looked like he was enjoying himself, loosening up now that he's got some alcohol coursing through his system.

"You guys got started without me?!" Bright's voice rang out indignantly from behind them. "Me?! The life of the party?!"

"Who invited you?" Knot called out jokingly. Seeing Bright's empty hands, he groaned out loud. "What the hell, Ai' could've at least bought something, you miser!"

Bright pointed to himself, "Seriously? I'm here, aren't I? My presence itself is a gift. It's priceless."

Toota snorted in playful mock-contempt, "I think the word you're looking for here is 'worthless'. FYI, it's spelled w-o-r-t-h-l-e-s-s, just in case you didn't know."

"This bitch..." Bright jokingly pummelled a fist against his palm.

Someone was trailing after him from behind, peeking out uncertainly at the group before him. The new face brought about curious looks, Toota and Prem nudging each other.

Toota gestured to the newcomer. "Since when did you have a younger brother?"

Knot popped a pistachio nut into his mouth, "You didn't kidnap him, did you?"

Bright tugged Rome to stand next to him. "Guys, this is Rome. He's a friend, so I thought I'd get him to join us. Guys, please. I dazzled him with my amazing charm and dashingly good looks." Bright showed them a V sign with his fingers, batting his lashes for added effect.

"Both non-existent." Prem chimed in, bringing about laughter from the rest.

All of them turned their attention to Rome and he fidgeted uncomfortably on the spot, unconsciously shifting until he was half-hidden behind Bright once more.

Toota echoed him in disbelief, ''A friend? You actually have a friend?" He fixed his attention on Rome. "Kid, how much did he pay you to be his friend?"

''What are you guys then?!"

Arthit shrugged his shoulders, "Acquaintances?''

Kongpob chimed in, ''Senior and junior?"

Not wanting to be left out when it came to teasing Bright, Prem added in, ''Classmates? Definitely not friends.''

''Fuck you, you, you and you. All of you are going to hell.You guys are the shittiest friends ever." Bright declared, pointing to each of his friends.

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