Of Vacation and Confessions

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Note: Wonder what they'll get up to this time round 😂


''First person to end up in the pool loses. Let's see....for the punishment, you'll have to drink a bottle of beer...and you'll have to do a forfeit.''

Bright rolled his shoulders and stretched his arms above his head, huffing and puffing as he flexed his biceps. Which looked hilarious especially when he was standing next to Knot. It was like comparing a stick figure to the Hulk. Rome, Bright, Tew and Knot were the first four to play with the other two couples watching at the side and Toota acting as the referee.

For this game, Tew and Rome would have to sit on their respective boyfriend's shoulders and attempt to push each other until one of them ended up in the pool. Tew carefully steadied himself once he was balanced on Knot's shoulders, the older male steadily gripping him by the thighs. This was nothing for him. He had lifted heavier weights before. Bright was holding up pretty well at his end as well since Rome was light and petite.

''P'!!!'' Rome yelped when Bright's hands started wandering under his striped swim shorts, and he repeatedly slapped his boyfriend on the top of his head much to the amusement of others. ''Stop distracting me!''

Toota tapped a spatula against the bottom of an empty bucket to signal the start of the game. It was tiring to try and stay afloat in the water with a weight on their shoulders, but both Bright and Knot were holding their places well.

''Sorry, P'Tew!'' Rome apologized meekly and in one swift second, he firmly placed both palms on the older male's shoulders and shoved him backwards.

Tew grappled for the other to regain his balance but it was useless since he hadn't anticipated for Rome to act so quickly. He dropped into the water with a splash and surfaced with a laugh, completely catching Knot by surprise when he spat a mouthful of water at the other. Knot easily dove for his boyfriend and both of them started their own game of who could splash each other with more water much to the bemusement of others.

''Hello? I know the both of you are in your own world, but the rest of us are waiting to play.'' Toota deadpanned at the oblivious couple who seemed to have blocked out the rest of the world. ''Anyway, that's one point for Bright and Rome.''

Bright and Rome high-fived each other and celebrated with a kiss that was definitely above the rating of PG-13.

''Can't you two keep your hands off each other for more than five seconds?!'' Prem called out from where he was resting in the lounge chair, Wad comfortably leaning back against his boyfriend.

Knot and Tew had to drink a bottle of beer each and their forfeit was for Knot to do ten push-ups with Tew sitting on his back. Which he did effortlessly, by the way. For Tew, he had a fantastic view of his boyfriend's shoulder and back muscles bunching up attractively while he pushed himself off the ground effortlessly, biceps straining with the additional weight.

''Show off.'' Toota and Arthit muttered at the same time.

Next up was Kongpob and Arthit versus Prem and Wad. Kongpob peeled his shirt off and neatly set it aside, not realizing that the rest of the group were dead on staring at him.

''Holy shit, Kongpob. Have you been working out?'' Prem gawked at the junior in disbelief.

Toota excitedly clutched at Rome's and Tew's arms, ''Oh my god, look at his shoulders. He has abs too. Oh my god, I can't breathe. Can someone please perform CPR on me? Preferably Kongpob please.''

Arthit shot his friend a glare, ''I'm right here, you know.'

Kongpob wasn't built like Knot was but he still packed some muscles that contributed to his lean built. The rest hadn't realized just how much he had grown since they were used to seeing him in either his uniform or casual clothes.

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