Chapter 12: A Little Teasing,and A Whole Lot of Chaos

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Note: Kongpob's a little shit (what's new?), Bright finally meets the ex, Knot learns how to depend on someone for the first time and the gang does a little sneaking around Prem x Wad.

Also,the Knot x Tew scene in this chapter was inspired by @LilySRC4 's prompt!Thank you so much and I hope I did your prompt justice 💕


Arthit was startled when Kongpob suddenly pulled him into a brightly-lit jewellery store, making a beeline towards the display cases where the rings were.

"Don't look so shocked, P'Arthit." Kongpob teased when the other gawked at him. "It's my parents's wedding anniversary next month, so my sisters thought we should buy them matching rings." He grasped Arthit's hand in his and stroked the male's ring finger. "Unless you want us to wear matching rings too?"

Arthit tried to peel Kongpob's fingers away from his, flushing a cherry red when the salesman giggled at them, "Don't be an ass. Who the hell wants to wear matching rings with you?!"

(And yet, Arthit had not once taken off the bracelet Kongpob had gifted him with at the beach)

"I do." Kongpob answered matter-of-factly. "Very much."

The stoutly built salesman hid his laugh behind his palm before pointing at the both of them, "Is he your boyfriend, dear?"

Kongpob nodded proudly and grasped Arthit's hand even tighter, "He is. Isn't he cute, P'? Don't let his grumpy exterior fool you. He's a softie at heart.''

Arthit hissed at him, "Stop it!"

"Oh, he's so cute. You should buy him a ring. Do you know that song?" The salesman drummed his fingers against the surface of the display. "If you like it, put a ring on it?"

Arthit wanted to disappear into the ground, thank you very much.

Kongpob affectionately squeezed the older male's hand, "I will. Maybe when I'm earning enough to support the both of us in the future. So...wait just a little while, okay P'?"

"Idiot." Arthit faced away, pretending to feel pissed off by the other's words. "Did I say anything about marrying you?"

The smirk on Kongpob's face couldn't get any wider, "Did I mention marriage? you do think about us getting married then?" Boldly, the younger male pecked his boyfriend on the cheek. "I'll be sure to get a good job after I graduate so that I can support my 'wife' in the future."

The salesman was full out squealing and fanboying in front of them, grabbing a brochure to fan himself with it. Oh god, it was as if the scene he usually read in BL mangas was coming alive before him.

"Pfft. Like I'd marry you. Who wants a smartass for a husband anyway?" Arthit retorted unconvincingly, immediately moving away to look at the other cases once Kongpob loosened his hold, his ears still pink from embarrassment.

"He's shy. He usually means the opposite of what he says."

"I heard that, Kongpob."

Kongpob had lied. He wasn't looking for a gift for his parent's anniversary. He wanted to buy it for the both of then, but it was a matter of when he'd give it to Arthit. Kongpob posed a few casual questions to the ever-so-helpful salesman while keeping watch on his boyfriend out of the corner of his eye.

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