"Amels! I need your help!"

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Amelia - italics

Everett - BOLD


"Amels, I need your help!!"

"Everett, why are you calling so early? I don't think you would want to sleep right now." There's a tint of teasing in her voice.

"I'm on a date, and she's a bit annoying."

Amelia chuckles. "Why are you talking to me when you're supposed to be enjoying your date's company?"

"Did you not hear me? She's annoying." He groaned.

"And how is she annoying, Ev?"

"She keeps talking about how many dates she goes on. She only talks about herself, and she won't eat anything but salad cause she's 'watching her weight.' Like I like confident girls. And on top of that, every five seconds, she needs to check her make up. That's why she's in the bathroom right now."

"Woah, slow down. I'm sorry Ev but I can't really do anything."

"Yes you can!"

"And what's that?"

"Pick me up?"

"Oh heck no, that's rude."

"Fine, at least entertain me? Just for now?"

"Well, hm, I don't know. I live a pretty interesting life. Like yesterday, my grandma's cat fell off my grandma's lemon tree and my grandma yelled at Scarlett for five minutes for ruining her lemons."

"That's pretty funny."

"- Oh shoot. She's coming back."

"Try to talk about yourself. I don't want to stop you from having a good time. You can tell me all about your date afterwards."

Little did she know he had a much better time talking to her and listening to her amusing stories.

"Okay, bye Amels."


a/n: ANOTHER UPDATE YAYYA!!! I have so much ideas for this story, I just need more views and all. But huge thanks to those who stuck by me!! Much more updates to come so YAYAY!

Have a great day and don't forget to smile(((:::
and maybe vote and comment? idk.

Have a great day and don't forget to smile(((::: and maybe vote and comment? idk

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