"Is that how you really feel?"

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"Hey, Amelia."


"Sorry I haven't called in forever, i've been busy with some family matters."

"It's okay, Everett. You're not obligated to call. You're just a customer."

Her cold tone made Everett flinch. Maybe it was the way she said his full sentence or the last sentence that hurt him a lot. He'd already been going through a lot that week and when he finally called her in hopes she would cheer him up, she had made it worse. 

What happened to the Amelia that sang a silly song just to cheer him up? Where'd she go? Because this wasn't the same girl. Did he do something?

"I thought we were friends." Everett's voice got softer with every word, sounding like a boy who just lost his favorite teddy bear. In this case, it was an older boy who lost a girl he considered his friend.

Amelia almost felt bad. He didn't know. But it was stupid, she liked him. She's known for the longest time she doesn't handle feelings for people well, but she never tried to fix it and always ended up distancing herself from everyone. That's one of the reasons she started the helpline in the first place; she had no friends but she loved talking to people. It was just a fear of hers to get left like her mother, so she decided she would be the one leaving. That way, she didn't have to deal with any of the pain when she got attached. But she wasn't the only one attached in this case.

"I mean, if you want, you can consider us that."

"But you don't?"

Amelia sighed. Did she really want to do this?

"Everett, you're just my customer. You used to be a frequent one, but now you barely even call anymore. I gotta get my money from someone else, you know?" Amelia didn't mean to let the last part slip out, nor did she mean it. Why was that even a thought? She was just so frustrated with the situation.

"So you only talked to me for money? Did you even enjoy my company at all? Do you even remember any of the conversations we had or were they meaningless, just like any other customer's? Cause I surely can't be the only one.." His voice raised, laced with venom. He was trying his hardest, not to seem too affected and for his voice not to waver. 

She took it too far. She knew it, it wasn't supposed to be like this though. She was only supposed to be rude to make her feel better. But why did she feel worse? It was so stupid, so dramatic even. This seemed like a cliche break up in the stories where the guy took advantage of the girl for a foolish bet or something. But it was real life, where the girl didn't take advantage but is trying to make it out like that to avoid rejection. 

"That's not what I meant." Amelia said more quietly, sighing. 

"Really? You sure implied it. Is that really how you feel?"

"Everett, no-"

"Look, I thought you were actually a really nice friend. But if this is really the case, maybe I'll just find some new friends, who won't even charge. Oh wait, we weren't even friends though?" His sarcasm stung, and he knew it. It was hurting her, just like he wanted. 

This whole situation and conversation just made him so mad. How did this even happen? What did he miss because he could've sworn their last conversation was fine.. Or was he just oblivious to it all. 

"Ev, i'm sorry."

That nickname didn't affect him. It meant nothing to him like he was hoping she would too. It seemed bitter now, and he wished she didn't call him that, or anyone ever again.

"Don't call me that, that nickname's reserved for friends only." No, it was reserved for her only. But not anymore. 


"I gotta go. Don't worry about apologizing or feeling guilty, just think of me as a typical customer who can no longer afford to call. You probably already thought that anyways."

There was a pang at her chest at that moment that she tried to ignore. She tried to act nonchalant, because isn't this what she wanted? Amelia had no right to feel the heartbreak she was feeling because she caused it. To both of them. 

It was too late to go back and fix her mistake anyway.


a/n: WOW! Like 6 months later, I'm back guys!!! I think I'm going to start writing/updating more but I also have a blog to maintain and a LOOOOT of school work!! Thank you for those who've always stuck by me, my motivation! 

*insert the song cheerleader

signing off, 

ashley xx

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