"Yeah. He's that type of guy."

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"Hey Amelia." Nick said grumpily.

"Hey, what's up Nick? You sound down.."

"Nah, just a hangover."

"Just a hangover?"

"Yeah, I've been out with my friend Everett and I can't keep up with him and all the partying."

"Oh? He parties a lot?"

"Yeah, he's that type of guy."

"Oh, and what type of guy are you?"

"I'm more of a Netflix guy, maybe reading. But not the party scene."

"Honestly me," she agreed.

"Almost like we were made for each other?" He said suggestively.

"Yeah! Made to be best friends," she added.

"Ouch. You just friend zoned me.. That hurt. You're always so mean to me. I think I'll just hang up and cry in a corner now."


"Nah, it's fine. I got my eye on this other girl anyway."

"Oh my gosh, really? What's her name?"

"Celeste," Nick said quietly.

"That is such a beautiful name. You should talk to her."

"Yeah, I'm trying."

The rest of their conversation consisted of Amelia gushing over Nick's "cute crush." 

They talked for the rest of the night until Amelia got another call and Nick had to go. 


a/n: yay! I updated!! To be honest, I'm not completely sure how I want this story to end - yes, I'm already thinking about the ending, who she'll end up with. I'm so indecisive man!! Another reason why it's been taking so long is because I've been focused on other types of writing like poems, imagines, and MY BLOG!! Yes!! 

I've had a blog for the longest time, but it didn't have anything. No photos, blogposts, nothing. However, I finally did it (YAYYAYAY) and I'm so happy. And also school's been hell so...:// 

bUUUUUUT expect updates soon to all the people reading hahah.

-peace out, 

ashley. x

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