"Oh, so you mean that didn't impress you?"

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"Hey, Everett. I haven't talked to you since your birthday, oh em gee. We have so much to catch up on. What's up-"

"I'm sorry, is this the Insomnia Helpline?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. How can I help you today?"

"Well I can't sleep?" This guy has a smooth, velvet voice which is quite smoothing. 

"Well, let's talk."

"Um, okay. What about."

"Anything. How was your day?"

"Good. I went to a party with a couple friends and now I'm tired but I can't sleep."

"Wow, that seems fun."

"Yeah it was."

The awkward silence filled the air as she laid there, hoping he'd say something.

"So..What's your name?"



"That's a good name"

"Thanks. What's yours?"

"Orlow. Nick Orlow."

"That was the lamest attempt of being James Bond," she chuckles. 

"Oh so you mean that didn't impress you?" Nick asks feigning disappointment. 

"No but A for effort."

And that's how the rest of the night goes like. They spent forever talking about anything, and everything. 


A/N: Short but aye I finally posted !! I know it says Discontinued but I finally know what I'm going to do with this. Not gonna lie, I wanted to delete it at first, but i'm like "Nah, I'll probably put it on pause." Which is good. &&& I deleted a couple chapters where they're moving too fast and couple scenes. 

I was (supposed to be) writing "To Brooklyn" but I got bored and edited this and got an idea for this story !! So if you're interested, I will be updating frequently on this story because it's easier to write since it's just dialogue. 

I know I claimed that since it was summer, I would be updating a lot but truth is, I'm (strangely) busy..? I have projects to do (Upcoming blog, youtube channel, projects, etc etc etc)

Stay tuned, I love you and thanks for the endless support to those who've stuck by my side - you know who you are.. 

xoxo Ashley


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