Chapter 7

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Beep beep.

Groggily I opened my eyes, the irritating beeping having woken me. What was that? Sunlight was streaming through my thin curtains, forcing me up. 

I sat up in bed, wanting nothing more than to stay there for the rest of the day, but I had school to get to. 

Beep beep.

I groaned and climbed out, realising that the beeping was coming from my alarm clock. Was it time to get up already? It felt as though I'd only just closed my eyes. I'd been suffering from restless nights recently. Ever since Jasmine, Travis and Noah arrived, actually. 

I'd been dropping off to sleep easy enough - I just always seemed to wake up tired, the days were just wearing me out more than usual, though I didn't think it had anything to do with the three of them. Perhaps I was getting sick?

I stifled a yawn and reached my hand across to my alarm clock, turning it off. The beeping stopped immediately and I sighed in relief. 

In order to get to school before the second bell, I needed to leave by half past. That gave me enough time to... 


I squinted at the alarm clock, at the flashing red numbers that were telling me the time. 

Eight... thirty-five? 

But... I set my alarm for eight on the dot. That normally gave me half an hour to get ready. That was enough time to shower, get dressed and dry my hair. 

Was the time wrong or something? I quickly darted out of my room to check the clock hung up on the wall above the sofa. 

Eight thirty-five. 

I'd slept in for thirty-five minutes? How was that even possible? How had it taken thirty-five minutes for my alarm to wake me? 

Panicking, I rushed to my wardrobe, pulling out the first clothes I found and hurrying to dress. I tugged a brush through my hair, and rushed to the bathroom. Furiously brushing my teeth, I tapped my foot impatiently. Why did it take so long to get ready? I was going to have to run to school at this rate! I cursed myself for not setting my alarm for earlier. Or having it louder or something.

I'd left my keys in the front door overnight, so I hoisted my bag up onto my shoulder and wasted no time in leaving, my hands fumbling with the keys to lock the door behind me. 

I was in a hurry, but I still froze when I saw what was sitting outside my house.

Our small house had a driveway and somewhere to park, but it's not like we could afford a car so it was rarely used. Maybe once or twice when relatives came to visit, but they rarely did. 

Maybe that's why it was such a shock to see a perfectly polished car sat in it. Along with a cute guy, leaning on the bonnet. 

Noah looked funny in that position, his posture was too straight for him to look relaxed, but it was easy to ignore given the lopsided smile that rested on his face.

"Noah?" I said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I just thought I'd come see if you wanted a lift to school?" He offered, his gentle smile still in place. 

"You're my savior." I laughed. "I slept through my alarm this morning, I was just getting ready to run to school so I wasn't late." 

He stepped around the car and opened up the passenger door for me, gesturing for me to get in. 

I grinned at him and slid into the seat, allowing him to close the door behind me. While I waited for him to walk back around the car, I took a moment to try and quench the butterflies that had suddenly started floating around in my stomach the moment I saw him by the car.

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