Chapter 35

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I wasn't supposed to be on Earth at all, let alone somewhere I was unfamiliar with. But when I went through that portal, the only thing I could think about was how much I didn't want to be found. I needed time to myself – I couldn't go somewhere that the angels knew I would go.

I suppose that's why I had popped out somewhere entirely new. I was taken by surprise on the other side, when I wasn't surrounded by the murky water of Entilin lake.

I was on a small island of rocks, but here it was surrounded by crystal clear water, and the sun, directly above me, shone down on me, bathing me with heat. I felt a little uncomfortable, like I should be sweating – I wasn't dressed for warm weather.

But, where was I? Certainly, nowhere near Entilin. Why had my mind brought me here?

Though I was mostly surrounded by water, on one side, not too far away, was a beach. It seemed completely isolated, cut off by a barrier of thick trees. Further behind that, was a mountain range – not one that I recognised.

And in every other direction, only water. There were a few boats in the distance, but not close enough for them to see me.

I decided to swim across to the beach. It was isolated, so perhaps it was a good place for me to clear my thoughts. Was that why I had brought myself here? To somewhere peaceful where I could think?

But I couldn't help but feel something was missing.

There was something strange about this place, too. A thick layer of cloud lay overhead, though it seemed to do nothing to block out the sun – it was almost blindingly bright down here.

The water was warm too, soothing, for the few moments it took to swim across it. Just as I had thought, the beach was completely isolated, no evidence of any humans having been here.

I sat down on the sand, taking off my shoes which were now soaked through with water. The warm sand felt nice on my feet, being here did feel relaxing. So why did I still feel on edge? Like I was waiting for something... or someone.

"Shouldn't you be in Heaven?" A voice called out, accompanied by the rustle of leaves.

Of course. That's why my mind had brought me to this specific place. Because it was where Andrew was – and he was the one I really needed to see.

"I needed some time to think." I sighed, turning to face him. The warm light somehow made his face appear softer, kinder. It made me wonder how I had been afraid of him when we first met.

"Did something happen?" He asked, frowning and coming towards me.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

My initial answer would have been no... but, my mind had known that I needed to see Andrew, to talk to him. That's why I was here.

So, I stood up, facing him. I closed my eyes, feeling for that energy within my back that resembled my wings. And I released it.

My wings sprung out quickly, creating a strong wind that shook the trees and sent both sand and sea flying backwards. I gasped as this happened – I would need to work on letting them out a little slower...

Andrew stood before me with one eyebrow raised, the hint of a chuckle on his lips. "So now you really are an angel."

I couldn't help but smile at his reply. "Maybe once I've figured out how to use them."

He grinned at me, coming closer. "Here, I'll show you."

His own golden-tipped wings burst from his back, far more magnificent than mine. The edges seemed to curl round, his feathers lightly touching mine. I was surprised to find that I could feel his warmth through my wing. I could feel the softness of his wings against mine.

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