The First Date

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Chapter Seven: The First Date

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"He did what!?!?!" screamed Kayla and Kayce.

I giggled at the reaction they got as I told them what happened between me and Dylan. It's been a week since I last saw Dylan. He felt bad for the way he behaved and felt like his actions were unacceptable. He asked if he could take me out on a date and I happily accepted. I was crazy about him. I wanted the whole world to know he was mine and I was his but the one problem was, we technically aren't boyfriend and girlfriend.

"I can't believe it! Are you excited about tonight then?" Kayce glowed.

"Of course I am. I wonder what I should wear?" I asked them.

"Oh sweetie, sit down. We'll take care of you!" They both said in sync.

I laughed and sat on my bed as I watched them walk to my closet. I heard a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I said.

My door creaked open and I saw a very cautious dad peek his head in.

"May I come in ladies?" He asked politely.

We all nodded and he walked over to my bed and sat next to me.

"Hey Mr. Hennor!" The girls chimmed.

"How are my two favorite bestfriends of my daughter?" he smiled.

"Good." Kayla smiled.

"Great." Kayce smiled.

I swear Kayce and Kayla are like twins! It was weird how they always said things in sync together. My dad then shifted his eyes to me. I smiled at him and he returned the smile.

"So what do we owe the honor of having you here today?" He asked curiously.

"Arabella's going on a daaaaatttteeeee!!" The girls squealed.

I rolled my eyes and glanced nervously at my dad to see his reaction. He chuckled at the Kayce and Kayla's excitement.

"That's tonight isn't it?" He asked me.

I nodded slowly. He was acting weird. He seemed okay with this and I was surprised. Ever since the whole Luke thing happened he watches me like a hawk. He is worried I'll get hurt again. My dad knew what happened at the football game last Friday night and at first he was a little flustered but I explained to him that Dylan was a complete gentlemen and he seemed to relax. He wanted to meet Dylan before things got anymore serious. He wanted to make sure he approved of him and I respected his wishes.

Tonight Dylan would pick me up at my house and we would go to our date. He didn't tell me what we were doing or where we were going and every guess I had made was wrong so far. The plan was that Dylan would come a little earlier so my dad and him could talk and get to know each other. Dylan was actually excited to meet my dad and that was different for me, most guys would run the other way when I said my dad wanted to meet them. The only ones who didn't run away were the guys who really just wanted to be my friend. Luke met my dad once and my dad warned me about him to. I should have listened to him.

"Arabella? Honey?" I heard my dads voice call out to me.

"Huh?" I said louder than I meant.

"Whoa, kiddo are you okay?" He asked patting the back of my hand.

"Yah sorry, I was in deep thought that's all." I smiled.

"Alright well I'll leave you girls to it!" He smiled, concern still glistened in his eyes.

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