Baby, You There

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Chapter Fifteen: Baby, You There

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I can't believe you said that Arabella!!!" Kayce giggled.

"I know me either!!!! I was so embarrassed!" I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Kayce had come over to spend the night and she was teasing me about how I had blurted out my hormones to Dylan over the phone. I was so stressed out about what I had said I needed Kayce to calm me down before I had a panic attack. What in the world possessed me to just blurt that out over the phone is beyond me. I also was starting to feel sick. I had no idea why, I just started feeling really sick.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kayce asked with concern in her voice.

"Yah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked curiously.

"You look pale, your breathing is shallow, and on top of that your shaking." She stated as she studied me closely. 

When she had stated all the facts it had finally hit me. I really wasn't feeling too good. I realized my head was pounding and my vision was getting blurry. Before I could do something, everything went black and all I could feel was a sharp pain on the side of my head.

Dylan's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"Mom! Is she okay?" I barged into the hospital with Scott by my side.

"I don't know honey. She hit her head really hard when she lost consciousness and hit the corner of a table." Her eyes showed as much concern as mine.

"What happened?" Scott asked.

"Kayce said that she started looking really pale, she had shallow breathing, and she was shaking. Next thing she knew Arabella passed out and hit her head." She spoke slowly as if we wouldn't understand her.

"When they couldn't wake her up and saw blood coming from the side of her head, her father called an ambulance. She is luckily the one I am attending to, so I can keep you updated as things progress." She gave us a weak smile as she continued her bad news.

"I don't know what's wrong with her Dylan. No one knows until she wakes up." She spoke softly.

"Wake up! She hasn't woken up yet!!!" My voice echoed in the halls of the busy hospital. 

I could feel my stomach churning at the thought of Arabella never waking up. I felt like I was going to be sick. I can't lose her!

"Dylan calm down." Scott whispered and put a firm hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry sweetie. Why don't you go see her?" She suggested and started walking to her room.

As we headed to where Arabella was being kept I saw all her friends outside to room. They all looked absolutely terrified and really tired. Kayla and Kayce walked up to me and gave me a tired smile.

"You look exhausted." I blurted out.

"We hadn't noticed." Kayce laughed.

"Maybe you can get her to wake up. We've tried everything." Kayla said with hope lacing her voice.

"I'll try my best." I smiled at their tried faces.

I followed my mom into a white wall room that looked as depressing as any other hospital room. I saw Arabella hooked up to a machine and heard the steady beeping of the heart monitor standing next to her. I saw her dad beside her and a women with dark red hair holding her hand. She was obviously Arabella's mother but this was the first time I'd ever seen her and she was beautiful. Arabella had her nose and light skin tone. 

"Dylan!" I heard Mr. Hennor call my name.

"Mr. Hennor." I smiled kindly at him.

The women standing next to Arabella holding her hand turned around and smiled weakly at me.

"Dylan, this is Arabella's mother. Harmony this is Dylan, Arabella's boyfriend." Mr. Hennor introduced us.

She let go of Arabell's hand and walked up to me. She was very short. She smiled up at me and shook my hand.

"It's wonderful to finally meet the mysterious Dylan Andrews." She smiled sincerely.

"As it is wonderful to meet you Ms. Hennor." I smiled.

"Please call me Harmony." She waved at me as to almost dismiss the name I had called her.

I nodded. 

"Harmony, lets give Dylan a chance to be with Arabella alone." Mr. Hennor smiled and guided her out the doorway.

He closed the door behind him and I walked slowly towards the seat closest to Arabella's bed. I sat down and grabbed her hands. I felt this overwhelming feeling. I had never felt it before and I wasn't sure how to handle it. My vision was getting blurry and I tried to wipe my eyes. I looked down at my hands and realized they were wet. I hadn't cried in ages. I never felt the need to cry anymore. I must have forgotten what it felt like to cry. I didn't want to be caught crying so I pulled myself together.

"Baby, you there?" I asked quietly.

I automatically felt stupid for asking such an obvious question.

"Of course you're not here. Well you're here but not really here. I don't know what I'm trying to say." I blabbered on feeling stupid.

It was silent for a minute with nothing but the beeping of the monitor.

"Arabella maybe you can't hear this but I want you to know. I'm going to marry you one day." I spoke in whisper.

I heard the beeping on the monitor speed up a little bit. I could feel the smirk forming on my lips.

"I'm going to marry you one day Arabella. So you can't not wake up. I don't want to go another day knowing you aren't okay." I spoke sincerely.

The beeping on the monitor beeped faster and louder. Not in the urgent kind of way though. 

"I don't know if you're hearing this but I also want you to know, I'm crazy in love with you. I've never felt this way before and I don't want to feel this way about anyone but you!" The words came out of my mouth like a waterfall.

My heart beat was racing and I couldn't help but smile at the truth of my own words. I noticed myself leaning closer to her face but before I could kiss her the door opened. I looked up to see my mom holding some papers.

"So I took some tests when she was sleeping," She began to speak as she studied the papers in front of her.

"And?" I asked frustration radiating off of my words.

She sighed and walked to the opposite side of her bed across from me. She looked down at Arabella with nothing but love.

"She doesn't have a tumor or cancer. She doesn't seem to have anything." I noticed by her facial expression she was just as confused as me.

"Wait, what?" I asked confused.

"These tests say she's as healthy as it gets. The only thing they have pointed out is high amounts of stress in her brain that have been building up." She points to a picture of Arabella's brain and shows me what she's talking about. 

"They stress has become so strong her body is too overwhelmed to handle it." She sighed.

"Meaning?" I asked noticing the breath I had be holding in was released.

"She will wake up eventually but it's up to her body to decide when." Her voice was laced with worry again.

"I'll leave you alone again." She walked out the door before I could say anything.

I stared at Arabella and could feel the fear growing inside me. 

It's up to her body to decide when.

It's up to her body to decide when.

It's up to her body to decide when.

It's up to her body to decide when.

The words repeated in my head like a vicious cycle making me feel even more sick to my stomach. All there was to do now was sit and wait for her to wake up. 

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