You Again

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Chapter Four: You Again

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~

I was looking down at the ticket. I wonder if he'll be uncomfortable. I mean I'm just a random stranger who mixed up his ticket with mine and now I know his name. I couldn't help but smile though. I was going to see him again. Even if it was just one more time, I would be alright with that. I wanted to capture his face and memorize all his features before I just walk away. I wanted to truly admire his dark brown hair that was spiked up as though it were natural. His hair looked soft and didn't seem to contain hair products. I wanted to fall in love with those eyes one more time and I wanted to feel the butterflies in my stomach that I felt a year ago when he smiled at me.

I got pulled out of my deep thought when I ran into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" we said at the same.

I looked up and there he was. Absolutely gorgeous. He smiled at me and I realized I was still really close to his body. I stepped back a little.

"Are you following me or something?" I asked teasingly.

"Maybe I am." He smirked.

"I believe I have something of yours though." I said as I handed him the ticket.

Our hands touched for a brief moment and I got a warm sensation all over my body that made me shiver. He handed me my ticket and smiled.

"I'm Dylan, I figured I should introduce myself since I have a feeling I'll run into you again." He smiled.

"I'm Arabella, I'm sorry about the ticket thing!" I said blushing.

"It's okay! Would it be okay if I walked you back to your seat?" he asked.

My heart started to beat extremely fast. His eyes were waiting for my response, they showed a hint of hope.

"I would very much like that!" I smiled.

We started to walk and I started getting curious about him, it was now or never!

"So do you live here in San Jose?" I asked casually.

"No, I live in Livermore." He smiled "What about you? Do you live here?"

"No, I live in Tracy." I replied.

He looked at me with a face full of excitement and curiosity.

"That's not very far." he cheered.

"Not at all." I looked down at my feet.

It was quiet the rest of the walk. When I reached my section I thanked him and started to walk away.

"Wait!" he shouted.

I turned around and he was very close to me. I could smell him. He smelled so sweet and refreshing.

"Y-yes." I stuttered from surprise.

"You seem like an amazing girl. I want to get to know you better. So if you're comfortable with it. Can I have your number?" he asked shyly.

"Of course!" I smiled.

We exchanged numbers and said goodbye. He promised he would text me tomorrow morning. That was something I was eager to receive.

Dylan's POV~~~~~~~

I did it! I got her number! I couldn't grasp the excitement running through me. She looked so cute when she blushed. The way her eyes would always travel to her feet when she got nervous was adorable. I know this girl was gonna be the one.

I never had luck with girls. You would think differently though. I mean I'm the Quarterback of the football team and I'm pretty good looking. I'm also really smart and I study really hard in school. So finding a girl isn't hard but finding the right girl is. Every cheerleader, every prep girl I've ever been with on dates before have never been able make me feel the way Arabella has made me feel in the last ten minute.

"Hey man!" I said to Scott as I sat back down in my seat.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked anxiously.

I explained to him what happened and he got way too excited.

"Text her tonight!" he said.

"I'll text her tomorrow I don't want her to be annoyed." I sighed.

When the game was over with, Scott drove us home. I laid in my bed looking at her contact number. How could this be? The girl who I saw a year ago and fell head over heals for her even though I didn't even know her name. Now I was getting the chance to finally talk to her and get to know her. I tried to fall asleep fast so I could wake up on time and say good morning to that beautiful face of hers.

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