I'm Fine, Really.

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Chapter Sixteen: I'm Fine, Really.

Dylan's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She still hasn't moved. They say she's stable but is she really? I love her too much to just sit here. The only comforting feeling I've felt all week is her cold hands in mine. I've been by her side since the moment I got here a week ago. Everyone says I should go home and get some rest but I can't close my eyes without seeing her face. I tried everything to get her to wake up but nothing seemed to work.

"Baby, wake up." I whispered in her ear.

The heart monitor started to beep fast. I could still feel the smirk forming on my face. Every time I spoke to her it would beep faster. I knew she was in there I just had to get her to wake up.

"I love you Arabella." I was taken aback by the passion that came with those words.

I was absolutely exhausted yet every time I said that I seemed to be able to express the love I have for her. The beeping got faster and louder. I leaned in and kissed her lips ever so softly. It was the first time I'd kissed her on the lips this whole week. I felt like it would come off as corny and I wanted to avoid that. The monitor went absolutely crazy! I could feel her lips move against mine. I kissed her more firmly and her arms slowly wrapped around my neck. I moaned as she pulled me closer. WAIT! She's kissing me back! I pulled away and opened my eyes. She was staring back at me with a pout on her very kissable lips. 

"Why'd you stop?" She pouted.

"You're awake!!!" I shouted.

The moment I said that I saw everyone rush into the room. Arabella looked very confused.

"Wait, what's going on? Where am I?" She asked as everyone hugged her.

"Sweetie you've been unconscious for a week!" My mom walked up next to her.

"What!" Arabella croaked. 

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

How the hell have I been unconscious? I swear I was dreaming. I even remember hearing Dylan's voice in my head making me feel butterflies and everything. I even remember that amazing kiss. He was so delicate at first and honestly that made waking up from my dream ten times better. I honestly wasn't even freaking out. I just wanted everyone to go so Dylan and I could finish that magnificent kiss. 

"Okay guys. I'm fine, really." I sighed.

My parents wanted to stay with me but I wanted to make out with Dylan way to much. 

"Are you sure? We can stay here with you?" My mom spoke with worry.

I smiled confidently at them and they both sighed. They started getting up and giving me hugs and kisses.

"We love you so much kiddo. Don't ever scare us like that again." My dad ruffled my hair 

I rolled my eyes and waved good-bye as they closed the door behind them. I was a little relieved to finally be by myself. I don't even remember hurting myself. I lifted my hand up to the side of my head and touched the still very sensitive cut. I pulled my hand away quickly and frowned. I don't like not knowing things. It scares me and honestly right now I'm scared. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the door creak open. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Dylan's head peek in. I waved at him to come in and he closed the door quietly behind him. 

"How are you feeling?" He whispered.

"Honestly, great. Why are we whispering?" I whispered.

He chuckled and I moved over so he could lay down next to me. His mom was kind enough to bring a regular queen size bed in because they weren't sure how long I would be out. He shuffled to his side to face me and smiled. 

"I missed you so much." He spoke through his smile.

"I would say I missed you to but I was dreaming about you the whole time." I could feel my cheeks burning. 

He smirked as if he knew something I didn't and then I saw him tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I could feel this overwhelming feeling to be brave and to trust my instinct. I had the strong urge to kiss him so I did. I pushed my lips up against his and I could tell it surprised him but he returned the kiss with just as much passion as I had. I let my hands slide up his firm muscular chest I could feel him shiver under my touch. That only encouraged me more because I realized I had that kind of effect on him. His hand was on the lower part of my back and he pulled me closer to him. I moaned when his tongue searched for mine. The way our bodies entwined with each other was amazing. I could feel the heat roaming through me as his body pressed against mine. I wanted more of this feeling and I wanted it now. I wrapped my right leg behind his thighs and pulled him closer to me. I couldn't help the smirk on my lips as I felt the bulge in his pants. As if to tease me even more I started to feel Dylan's hand grab my butt. I automatically moaned and pressed my lower body against his so I could feel him grow even more. He moaned loudly as I tried to unbutton his shirt. I wanted to scream in frustration as he moved his hands to my hips and gently pushed me away. 

"We can't." His voice was husky which made me want him more.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because we're in a hospital." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes and frowned. He looked into my eyes and then I noticed him glance down at my lips and I couldn't hold back the urge to bite my lip. He groaned and shoved his head in a pillow. 

"You know what that does to me Arabella." He sighed.

"I'm sorry I can't help it. I'm horny." I blurted the words out before I could stop myself.

He lifted his head from the pillow and stared at me in shock. I could feel my cheeks burning and I covered my mouth with my hand. He studied me for what seemed like forever but was probably just a couple seconds. He leaned in and I felt his cheek brush against mine. As his lips touched my ear.

"How can I say no to a response like that?" His voice laced with desire as he spoke into my ear.

His lips started trails of kisses down my jawline. I moved my head to the side to give him more access as he kissed and bit my neck. I let out a involuntary moan and I could feel him smirking against my neck. He lifted his head and started kissing me passionately. His hand grasped my butt and pulled me closer to his body. I started to unbutton his shirt and he didn't stop me this time. I let my hands run across his chest so I could feel his muscles and he shivered again. He rolled on top of me and put both his arms on each side of me as if not to let me escape. I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down with my legs. I was in one of those ugly gowns that they put you in when you stay at a hospital so all he really had to do was untie the string that was keeping it together. I gasped in pleasure as he pressed his lower body against mine. His boxers weren't very good at containing his very large and big excitement. 

"Baby." He spoke against my lips.

"Yah." I breathed.

"You should get some sleep." He spoke as he rolled off of me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I groaned.

I heard him chuckling as he entered the bathroom.

"Hey! Don't go and try to get rid of that!" I shouted.

"What am I suppose to do with it then?" He pouted.

"Nothing. You can suffer like me." I stuck my tongue at him.

He groaned and got back into bed with me. 

"You're the biggest jerk ever!" I said as I punched him in the chest.

All he could do was laugh and pull me close to him. 

"That's okay." He chuckled.

"No it's not." I pouted.

"We have our whole life ahead of us. I can make it up to you then." He smiled at me with love.

All my hormones sort of disappeared after he said that. I fell asleep in his arms as he hummed me a familiar song that I just couldn't name off the top of my head.

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