I Need You

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Chapter Eight: I Need You

Arabella's POV~~~~~~~~

Dylan and I had been dating for a couple months now. He was so sweet and romantic. He would come to my house in the middle of the night and throw rocks at my window just so he could say goodnight. He would show up at my door with vanilla bean ice cream and the latest chick flick in his hands when I was on my period. He would cuddle up to me and make me feel complete.

I decided to return the favor. Valentines Day was coming up and I knew he was going to ask me to be his valentine. I wanted to beat him to the punch though. I had the whole thing planned out! I had called his school to make sure it was okay for me to visit there. I told them my plan and they were sweet enough to even help me.

"How's this Arabella?" I heard Kayla yell to me.

I turned around and smiled at the big bucket full of fresh rose pedals. I was truly grateful for the schools help. They even let Kayla, Kayce, and I use their art room to get ready for the surprise. I turned around when I heard the door knob turning. I saw a very sneaky Scott peek in through the crack of the opened door. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on in Scott." I sighed.

"Hey, the office said you wanted me?" He smiled shyly.

"Yah, sounds about right." I smiled.

"Does Dylan know you're here?" He asked suspiciously.

I shook my head and he stared at me for a minute. I finally explained to him my plan of surprising Dylan. I decided the only way to even come close to his surprises was to make my surprise bigger and better. I was going to have Scott take him out onto the football field and have him sit on the bleachers, I would be standing in a heart formed by rose pedals holding a sign that said 'Be My Valentine?".

"He'll be so happy Arabella." He smiled in excitement.

"I know! Now I'll have Kayla take you through the plan step by step so you know exactly what to do!" I said in a 'Don't screw this up' tone.

He looked up to see my gorgeous friend Kayla smiling at him. His eyes grew wide and I giggled.

"Shall you follow me?" Kayla smirked.

He nodded and I saw him blush a little. I watched as they walked out the door. I decided to clean up in the art room while I waited for Kayce to come back with the big poster board I left at my house.

"So you're the girl." The hateful voice made me jump from surprise.

I looked up to see a very pretty girl. She had blonde hair and baby blue eyes that were sparkling. She was wearing a cheerleader outfit and had an ugly smirk on her face that diminished her beautiful looks instantly.

"Depends on what girl you think I am." I said smiling.

"You're the girl Dylan is so madly in love with." she rolled her eyes.

"Well when you put it like that, yes I'm the girl." I kept my smile on my face.

She glared at me.

"I can see why." She studied me.

"See what?" I asked curiously.

"Why he is so interested in you. You're very pretty, I'll give you that but you come of as innocent. You seem very confident but I can already find ways to make you insecure. Last but not least you're overly nice which is quite annoying." she smirked as she walked over to me.

I tried my best to keep that happy smile on my face but something inside me was dying and I didn't know why. I could tell she was jealous and frustrated so I just kept smiling.

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