We Found Each Other (5)

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We Found Each Other (5) [*Unedited]

Chris pulled up in the driveway of my house and turned off the engine. “Thanks for driving me home.” I fiddled with the hem of my coat as I looked down. “No problem, stay safe.” I nodded and climbed out of the car.


I stood in the cold watching him pull out of my driveway and sighed, today was scary.

Fumbling for my keys on the front porch the door swung open and my angry mother was standing there, fuming.


“Chey where have you been?! It’’s nearly 6:30!” my mum went into a yelling fit and I tried calming her down explaining to her that I got lost and ended up in a scary situation.


“That bastard! Hitting on a young woman, scum like him is what ruins our economy. Did he hurt you? You should’ve been more careful!”

“I’m fine mom! Chris beat the shit out of the guy.”



For a second my mum just stood there, and then her eyebrows furrowed together and she pursed her lips. “Who’s Chris?”


“I don’t really know, he just showed up and then he gave me a ride home.” her eyes widened.


“Chey Robin Williams! I’ve taught you better than to get in a stranger’s--especially a man-car!”

“He didn’t lay a finger on me, I’m alright!” My mother shook her head and looked at me, her eyes held disappointment and I couldn’t help but feel guilty.


“Don’t ever do that again, the next time you ride in a boy’s car I am meeting and talking to this guy beforehand, capische?”


“Ok,ok! I will!” I assured my mum before running up the stairs to my room, slowly tip-toeing through the halls. I stopped right outside Ryker’s room, and I waited a few minutes quietly. I could clearly hear Ryker’s loud footsteps stomping around the room and I realized he was dancing. A mischievous grin formed on my face as I took my phone out of my pocket.

This gon’ be good!

I counted down in my head.


I swung Ryker’s door open and there, as I had thought, he was dancing. He had his back to me and was twerking, he hadn't noticed me yet. His music was too loud to hear me. I recorded him and then I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing.


Ryker turned around, frozen. He was staring at me with wide eyes, in my laughing state. The gears in his head turned and he realized I had been watching him. And then he saw my phone laying on the ground next to my head. Before he could grab it I laid down on top of it. Then Ryker did something unexpected. He jumped right on top of me.


“Ryker get off of me, you fat pig!” I wheezed out under the enormous weight of my brother. He pouted “I’m hurt Chey, I thought you loved me.” dramatically he put his hand over his heart like he’d been shot.


“i’ll love you when you’re not taking my breath away.”


“I’m sorry to break your heart but I can’t love you. We’re brother and sister.” he joked.


“No you idiot!” I mentally face palmed, “Now can you get off of me?”


“Give me your phone.”




“Have it your way then.”

Ryker’s started tickling me.


bastard knew i was ticklish, damn!

“Now will you give your phone?” he lowered his face to mine and looked at me, grinning like he’d won.

keep thinking that, Ryker

“Fine, only if you get off me.” I grumbled. My back was starting to hurt.


“Promise you won’t run?”


“I promise.” I said with my fingers crossed against my stomach.

Ryker lifted himself off me(sounds so dirty cx) of me slowly, as if he was making sure I didn’t have any bad ideas. Oh, but I did. Once Ryker was standing a foot away from me, with his hand out waiting for my phone I grinned at him. Slowly I put my phone in his hand. And ever so quickly I snatched it out of his hands.



I ran out of his room and into mine, slamming the door shut and locking it before Ryker could push the door open.

How could I embarrass my brother a lot, without embarrassing him at all?

Then it clicked!

I should make a twitter

i know you're, how is that the answer? Ryker's friends don't have a twitter but twitter's public so the rest of the world would see and then the embarrassment! I am an evil sister..

Quickly I signed up and wrote my first tweet.


@Cheywills: Ryker dancing! XD


BAM! I’d posted the video!

Ryker’s gonna kill me

Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young..


I laughed at the song I was thinking about, and then I realized. I had homework. Lots of it.


Oh shit



I kept my word and I updated today! im proud of myself :)


I really hope you guys like..



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