We Found Each Other (8)

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We Found Each Other (8) [*Unedited]

On that Saturday afternoon Nialll and the others of One Direction took me to a skating rink. Apparently One Direction are horrible dancers but excellent skaters. Yeah, I'm not believing any of that shit..

But yeah, what I remember most was that Niall took hold of my waist and spun me around like a ballerina. I fell, of course, afterwards but that spin was magical. I would turn and see Niall he was grinning goofily, his eyes mischeivous and giddy. 

It was one of the best days of my life. The boys dropped me home afterwards, and Niall gave me a hug before I left. I was very, very high. High off of the feeling of Niall's happiness. But you see, then was not the time to be excited because Ryker just happened to walk into the kitchen. I had to explain the whole damn thing because he wouldn't leave me alone about my supposed 'date'. 

It wasn't really a date..I just hung out with five boys. No biggie.

Ok very biggie. Apparently my brothers had to play the 'protective older brother' role even though I was older then both of them. They made me promise to let them meet the boys next time we hang out and I obliged.

I woke up that Sunday morning with the worst cramps ever. Ever muscle in my legs or in my stomach was aching. I couldn't even move.

I had to get some tylenol so I slowly made my way down the stairs, one step a time, careful not to fall. I walked into the kitchen, feeling for the cabinet with he medicine. God these cramps are killing me.

I filled a cup with water and swallowed the two pills, it would settle the pain in a little while. For now, I would cuddle with my blankie Nini and watch old cartoons on Netflix. It's the life for me.

Vibrate vibrate

Hey gurl! x Nitnit

I smile. It's feels like its been forever since I've chatted with her.

What's up?! Homayyy ;)

Even though I don't think it's really been that long.

Lets get some ice cream :) x Nitnit


Be ready in 20, k? x Nitnit

Shit..I have to get up. Crap. One step at time, Chey, one step at a time. Slowly, I stood up and turned off the TV. I didn't even walk, I just slid on my butt over to the bathroom. I did my business (washed my face, brushed, etc.) and then walked back to my room, aware of my bad cramps. I pulled out a random sweatshirt and my shorts, slipping them on.

I tied my hair up in a high ponytail and put on my combat boots. 

Ladies all across, listen up / we're looking for recruits

If you're with me, let me see your hands / stand up and salute

I see what my brain is doing.. "Salute" by Little Mix is an army-ish song, and combat boots are what they wear in the army. Thinking of that song, I picked up my phone and played the song. No better way to get me pumped up for some ice cream!

I was too tired to do any real makeup so I just put on some mascara and lip gloss, to give me that extra shine (and make me look less like a druggy). I turned of "Salute", and made my way down the stairs, since Nita wasn't here yet I just sat on the porch outside, waiting for her. 

I thought about things, Niall, us, mom, my life, and school (Ugh). I kinda wondered what Niall was doing right now, was he thinking of me? Was he making a music video? I sent a text to him out of my curiousity.

hey Niall, whatcha doing?

souncheck, you? :) xxNiall

oh im waiting for Nita, we're getting ice cream together :)

sounds yum :) xxNiall

you're smiles are starting to looks creepy lol

After that he didn't reply, but I know he's busy so I blow it off. Luckily, Nita parks right in front of my house and I run to her car. Slipping into the passenger seat I'm grinning like the cheshire cat.

All I'm thinking right now is, yay ice cream!

Nita speeds away to the local ice cream shop and turn on the radio. Shockingly, "Half A Heart" by One Direction is on, and the chorus is playing...

Bein here with you, is like I'm waking up to

only half a blue sky / kinda there, but not quite

I'm walking round with just one shoe / I'm half a heart without you

I'm half a man, at best / with half an arrow in my chest

Cause I miss everything we do / I'm half a heart without you

Strange, it felt as if my own feelings were being described. But I knew that I have no feelings whatsoever for Niall.




Did I scare you? :D

lol anyway, here ya go :) my first update of the summer and finally your chapter 8 of WFEO!

Hope you liiiikkkeee


p.s. what are your opinions on Louis & Zayn smoking/lighting joints? Personally, I dont like it...but if there's a rational reason then, it isnt fine, but ill accept it. what do you guys think? write your opinions in the comments!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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