We Found Each Other (7)

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We Found Each Other (7) [*Unedited]

Something was touching my face. Something slippery and wet. I waved my hands in the air to get whatever it was away from me, but all I got in return were two very familiar chuckles. Groaning, I peeled my eyes open to see my two younger twin brothers looking down at me, grinning.

"What time is it?" I sit up on what appears to be the couch. Guess this was my bed last night.."It's 1 o'clock." Ethan responds, "Let's go make breakfast!" Ryker shouts at the top of his lungs, I laugh at how giddy he is.

"Ok, you go do that while I catch some extra Z's." I didn't walk too fast because I didn't want to wake up but that gave my brothers the advantage, before I could even protest they had dragged me into the kitchen. I groaned. 

"Nice try, you're helping us, not sleeping." Ethan handed me a spatula and pushed me towards the currently-being-made pancakes. I liked my pancakes a little burnt, but my brothers were picky butts and wanted them to be perfectly cooked.

"When did Nita leave?" I asked, flipping pancakes while my lips moved up and down. "I think she left at about 12..said something about a luncheon, her parents, and lasagna." Lasagna? "Lasagna?" I repeated my thoughts aloud, I mean it was kind of random..

"Don't know..maybe it's the luncheon thing?" I guess so.. the pancakes were done so I put about five on a plate and drizzled maply syrup all over it. Just the way I like it. "You're not gonna make pancakes for us?"

Ahh, I forgot about my brothers.. "Nope, guess you'll just have to make them yourself." Ethan stuck his tongue out at me. "Haha." I took a huge bite of the pancake and stuffed into my mouth. I made sure to chew with my mouth open and to swallow loudly.

Dad came in to the kitchen like normal and sat down on the chair next to me. "Good morn-" he stopped talking after he looked at me, did I have something on my face? "Something up, dad?" he looked at me like I was crazy, but he answered my question "You might wanna look in a mirror, Chey."

Oh shit..I looked in the mirror. I did not expect to see that. My face was covered in yellow marker, and their were whiskers on my cheeks. Shit, shit, shit. Those freaking..ugh. I washed my face atleast a hundred times, or until my face looked clean. After spending a while in the bathroom I'd managed to take off most of the yellow, but it still tainted my skin here and there.


Good morning xxNiall

Ah crap! I'm hanging out with Niall today.. what an awesome way to start my day! (note my sarcasm) And its three pm..crap. I piked out some clothes from my closet and some shoes, quickly I ran into the shower. I took one of the fastest showers I've ever taken, and that's saying something.

I threw the clothes on and then made my hair into a simple braid that went down my back, I'd get pretty waves later after I took the braid out. I washed my face and started my makeup, some simple lipgloss and eye liner.


My clothes are a little messy, but I look decent. Good thing to because there's a kock at the door. I ran down the stairs, a giddy feeling forming in the pit of my stomach.

I'm going to see Niall!

I check myself one more time in the hallway mirror.

Hair good? Check.

Makeup ok? Check.

Okay, I'm ready, I tell myself as my hand slowly rests on the doorknob. I do a little shimmy to throw away the jittery feeling and turn the knob. 

Oh my god.

I am mentally fangirling..Niall was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt. His hair was styled and a messy whiff. God he looked good. He was the first one to talk. I was too busy ogling how cute he looked.

"Ready?" he smiled at me, and then engulfed me in one of his horan hugs. I can tell why people want these 'Horan hugs', Niall wraps his arms around my back and lets his head lean on the little crook of my neck. It feels kind of weird, because I can hear and feel his hot breath on my neck and it's sending tingles through my body.

"Let's get this adventure started!" he laughs and I laugh with him, it feels like I'm falling. But the thing is you can't really fall for someone you've just met. Tris didn't fall for Tobias right when she saw him..(Divergent referance! :D)

He leads me outside, and what surprises me most is that there is a huge SUV-type car. And inside of it are four boys. The rest of One Direction.

I go in through the back and Niall follows behind me. Falling into the seat, to my left is Niall, in the two seats in front of us are Liam and Zayn, Louis is driving. Just like all the fanfics my friends read..

"Hello, mate!" Louis looks through the front mirror and smiles at me, shyly I smile back. It's not everyday you find yourself in the same car with a worldwide-famous boy band. "I'm pretty sure you know who we are.." Liam says, the adorable puppy he is. "You're known all over the world.. Of course I wouldn't know who you are."

Louis chuckles, "I like this one. She's funny!"

I smile and laugh, Louis thinks I'm funny!

We don't talk much after Louis turns on the radio, most of the songs repeat themselves. Like 'The Monster' or 'Dark Horse' they're good songs but it gets annoying listening to it again and again.

♫ It might seem crazy what I'm about to say 

♫ Sunshine she's here, you can take away 

I'm a hot air balloon, I could go to space ♫

With the air, like I don't care baby by the way 

♫ Because I'm happy 

Because I'm happy.. yes. Yes I am. A smal smile inches its way onto my face as we drive away to.. wait where are we going?!

"Louis where are we going?" he is the driver.. "To me and the boys' favorite place." That's not bad is it? What if it's some smelly, greesy food place. Ugh.

"Don't worry, it's not too bad." Louis winks at me and I relax a little. Ok it's not bad, that's good to know. I lean back into the chair and look at Niall, he smiles at me but otherwise stays quiet.




hey guys..I finished the divergent series. God Veronica Roth how could you do that? They could've had such a beautiful life but you killed them. WHY? 


That book was just.. it brough out more emotions than The Hunger Games. I applaud Veronica Roth for her awesome books :')




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