We Found Each Other (6)

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We Found Each Other (6) [*Unedited]

The huge mounds of homework haunted me. Taunting me with their calculus problems and scientific discoveries. Ok now I just sound really creepy..

It was a quarter after ten and I hadn’t touched my homework. One glance at the worksheet and I gave up.

I can’t do it Romeo! I can’t love you!

But Juliet why?

I just can’t!

 My eyes snapped open. Guess I was falling asleep.. And then I noticed my audio player was on the floor, smashed and broken. And my guilty little brother standing there smiling sheepishly at me.

 “What did you do?”

 “I thought it was kinda obvious..”

 “Oh yea, it is noticeable you broke my old audio player.” I said, calm and quiet, just to scare Ryker a little. He was staring at me like I had grown 3 heads, I crossed my arms and waited for him to get the hint.

 “Ryker you do realize I’m giving you time to run.”         


 “Yeah, ‘oh’.”





 I broke out into a run, but Ryker still stood there and I tackled him. He yelped. “Ha. Ha. Sucker.” He shook his head and I grinned, everyone’s a child at heart.



 “Apologize.” I said in a little sing-song voice.

 “I’m not gonna do it.” he smirked.

 “Just apologize you stubborn ass!”

 “Uh, uh, u-h-uh.”

 “You’re doing all my calculus homework for a month.” smirking to myself thinking he would finally apologize.

 “Fine. Chey, goddess of cruelty I am sorry for breaking your audio whatcha-ma-call-it.”

 “It’s called an audio player.” stretching out the ‘r’ in player so he’d get the point. “Wait, did you just call me ‘goddess of cruelty’?” I raised my eyebrow at his weird nickname for me.

“Yep.” smacking his lips and walking out of my room, like he owned the place. I chuckled, it was one of those moments where Ryker pretended to act like a diva. And boy it was hella’ funny.

 Calculus..calculus...oh yea! Calculus!

 I knew just the nerd to call. 2-1-5-7-6-4-3-9-0-1 (FAKE)

 “NITA! My sista’ from anotha mista’! How you doin’?”

 “What is it today?” she asked me over the phone, her tone giving off she was amused.



“I’ll be over in 5.”

 “Thanks.” but as usual, Nita had already hung up the phone. I shook my head, only Nita, only her.


True to her word, she was at my house in 5 minutes. With nutella and a movie. “Nita, I didn’t go through a breakup..” I looked skeptically at the movie in her hands, The Pregnancy Pact. “And I’m not pregnant either.” she laughed at the face I was giving her but I just sat there confused.

 “Calculus hurts, but you won’t cry so easily. Thats why I bought ‘The Pregnancy Pact’ with me. It’s a Friday night, a movie can’t hurt right?” Now it was me who was laughing. “This is why we are friends.” I grinned at my odd best friend. “No more chit chat! Let’s get started on this calculus!”

 Two hours later Nita and I are sitting on the couch, setting up to watch ‘The Pregnancy Pact’.

 The clock read 12 am and I was falling asleep, although I was desperately trying to stay up. Nita did help me with my homework.

 My efforts were failing as my eyes slowly drooped. And then I-


you still up for tomorrow? xxNiall


 k, saw that tweet :) your brother’s a great dancer! xxNiall

 I shook my head, but texted another message back to Niall.

lol thanks,Niall. Goodnight! 

goodnight love. xxNiall

 Love? That’s new.


A/N Hellloooo

updated Wednesday like I said!! :D and umm...its mah birthday today...im 13, isnt that exciting? and I have no school today because of the snow so I can sleep and be lazy all day :|D and i might not have school tomorrow either!

 LITTLE MIX’S ALBUM CAME OUT YESTERDAY!! CONGRATS TO THEM ON BEING #1 ON ITUNES!! :D and cheers to their second album! thats a BIG deal!



We Found Each Other // Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now