Chapter 12

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"Everyone has a story left untold. Never start judging someone back to front like you know them because the truth is, you probably don't." 

12. Every Last King Need a Queen

"I'mma do it right," he said as I closed my eyes. 

"What?" I questioned, lazily as his voice seeped through the phone and into my ears. I was slowly falling asleep and fought to stay awake. 

"Me and you." 

"It's positive," Kaya whispered in shock as she clumsily placed the small stick on the carpet by her foot. 

"Positive," Geraldine announced, doing the same as her twin sister. I fingered the stick I was given and dreaded the results. Who would think that two simple lines on a stick could change a life? My heart dropped as I was met with that exactly: two lines on a stick. Shawn's small smile wavered and her eyes filled with unshed tears.

Shawn hated emotions. Shawn hated feelings. Shawn hated being weak.

Her sobs filled the room and I sympathised her deeply. Together, Kaya, Geraldine and I comforted her in silence. I didn't dare tell her that everything was going to okay. We both hated it when people said that things were going to be okay when they clearly weren't. 

A few hours later, Kaya and Geraldine had left and I was left with a very emotional Shawn. I hadn't ever met her boyfriend or partner and since Shawn was one to keep her love life private, I had a feeling that I wasn't the only one that didn't know.

"You wanna know something, Eva?" she whispered, fiercely. I waited for her to continue. "I f*cking hate love," she muttered. "Life aint the only b*tch around. Her and love together, well, I guess they're the baddest b*tches in the game. No one can f*ck with the two." 

It had been a week since I'd been at college and my love for it was slowly decreasing. I'd met more new people but when you're used to being around someone all the time, your mind's basically A.W.O.L.

As each day passed, we became closer and closer by the second. He'd been telling me so much more that I didn't know or would have even imagined when I'd first met him. I couldn't lie though, I'd been telling Delante a few secrets of mine that I didn't dare tell anyone else. When I thought he'd judge me about being a virgin, he came at me with the exact opposite. 

I realised that I hadn't been speaking to Cory a lot and decided to visit him this afternoon. I had been quite busy throughout the week and with my new puppy coming tomorrow, well, let's just say that my planner was jam packed with activities to be doing. 

I'd told Delante about my puppy and he said he'd purchase one and get it sent. I made sure to ask for a legal female American Pitbull Terrier. I was going to name her Lady and she was going to be the best. I was so excited, it wasn't right. 

I also hadn't heard from Vanessa in a while and realised that I hadn't actually seen or heard from Kaleb since the day I met him. I didn't mind. Kaleb actually scared me. He was so intimidating. It was hard to believe the diary entries of Vanessa as he resembled the exact opposite but when you looked at him, you could tell that Kaleb was once quite a ladies man. 

Shawn's situation was also constantly in the fringe of my thoughts. She hadn't been answering or replying to any texts or calls we'd been sending her so we had all decided to give her space. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like if I was in her shoes. 

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