Chapter 15

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"Steady tryna' make it in a world that aint mine."

15. Let's Ride Out

The strap felt heavy in my hand and resembled my heart. The feeling that rushed through my body was unfamiliar: cold, uncomfortable, out of place. I felt like a mouse, trapped in a cage with lions circling my sanctuary. Was I really prepared to kill another being to save myself? I timidly held the gun to my chest, feeling it vibrate, due to the beat of my heart.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

.. And then suddenly, a hail of bullets went off, leaving me in total shock. I took a deep breathe and peeked out from my hiding spot, seeing nothing, yet still hearing bullets go off. I could vaguely see Delante's trainer, hidden behind the bar. He'd informed me that we were the only two left here, as the guards had already been shot and that if I were to see somebody that I did not recognise, empty my gun right away. I couldn't lie, I was shaking so bad right now that I wondered why I hadn't already dropped my gun that was placed carelessly in my hand.

Glancing around the place once more, I saw a figure opposite myself, creeping up on D with a large machine gun in his hand, ready to shoot. My jaw dropped and I immediately positioned the gun in my hand, like Delante had taught me. I felt as though this was definitely a test for me; to see what I'd do, how I'd feel if I really were to take the life of an enemy.

And then I pulled the trigger, immediately feeling the impact of letting it off. The force pushed me back harshly into the wall and I looked up to see that I'd shot the man right in the leg, making him drop his gun. My eyes watered. My mind was a whirl. Delante then turned, shocked from the close proximity of the gunshot and aimed at the man, allowing the gunshot to pierce his skull. I pressed my back against the wall once again. I shivered, suddenly feeling cold as a sweat broke out on my forehead and then all across my body. My teeth chattered.

"Oh, Lord,," I whispered, holding the gun to my chest. "Forgive me for I have sinned." I felt light-headed. My eyesight turned hazy and I blinked, holding my forehead.

In the end, everything will be okay.

I struggled to kneel in my small corner, holding my gun like Delante had instructed me to and scanned the room for any sign that this would all soon be over.

My eyes latched onto Delante who continued firing shots at random intervals. He was so comfortable with the weapon in his hand and I wondered at which age did he fire his first shot. My eyes widened as a man snuck up behind Delante again, but was empty handed.

"Pssst," I whispered, refusing to take the life of another human being, "D!" I waved my arms, trying to catch Delante's attention. He looked over at me with a confused expression planted on his beautiful face. I pointed behind him and with a flick of his wrist, he shot the man. I flinched.

"And please forgive Delante as well, Lord!" I begged, just as Delante saluted me. My nerves had calmed and my head no longer felt dizzy. I suddenly realised that the shooting had stopped.

"You all right, son?" a familiar loud voice boomed, entering my ears. Kaleb?

"Yeah, 'Pap. I'm bless," Delante replied, "you took your time, init?" Delante stood and walked towards his father and out of my sight.

"I apologise," Kaleb replied, "traffic." I frowned. They were so casual!

"Eva, you can come out now," Delante chuckled. My mouth formed an 'O'. I forgot that I was still currently in hiding. I stood and straightened my attire, walking as coolly as possible to the two men that looked so much (too much) like each other.

The scene was peculiar. I was petrified, whereas the inhuman beings before me failed to recognise the multiple dead bodies that were scattered around us. I shivered involuntary. I had to appear as normal as possible. I had said that I was prepared for this life, I had told Delante that I accepted his life ... this life for us but I wondered if the offer had come with terms and conditions that I was not yet aware of. I had seen things like on movies, read about crime like this in the newspapers but not once did I think I'd ever be apart of it.

Today, I had taken the life of a man; someone's son, husband, friend .... A man who has an impact in somebody's life.

"It becomes less difficult with time," Delante's soft murmur floated through me and almost instantly, I was put at ease.

"Eva," Kaleb greeted, nodding simultaneously. I blinked, unable to respond. "You're both free to leave."

I was numb. My body was cold and I could no longer feel my fingertips as Delante's warm fingers laced through mine. My mind was a mess. What was I supposed to do? How was I meant to feel?

'This is your life, Eva,' I thought harshly. 'Accept it and move on.'


(Author's note: I hope everyone's well! Damn, it's been a while. Chill ya'll, I'm back and will try to update atleast once a month. I'm extremely busy with uni, work and getting my hectic life together but I miss writing :( I apologise for the long wait! Tbh, I actually forgot that I had this Wattpad account .... lol. Ya'll gon' kill me, man, I know it. But short chapter, this is more like a bridging chapter, piecing a few things together so we can get down to business on the next chapter ;) Once again, I apologise for the disappearance but I'm still alive, I promise! Slide thru my DM if ya'll got any questions, queries etc. I'm also down for giving out advice or simple being an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Thanks for the support ya'll! Xoxox.

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