Jaspar both sick pt 6

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A/N: Sorry this took me so long, life just got in the way. Regardless, I hope that y'all enjoy! Again, 

Oli POV: 

I hadn't realized how tired I was until I finally got a moment of peace and quiet to myself. I hadn't gotten a moment to sit down and check in on how I was feeling because I was so preoccupied with the sick lads. I was actually hungry, which must be a good sign, even though I grabbed a bite to eat when I was out shopping for the boys. 

I decided to fix myself a little dinner, and went into the kitchen to make a quick pasta. As I prepared my meal, I felt myself getting progressively more tired. I checked the time, and it was only a quarter past 8. Once my dish was ready, I ate it standing at the counter and yawned loudly. I figured I should try to get some sleep in before going to check on Caspar and Joe again. I laid down on the couch and instantly drifted off to sleep. 

I woke up at 1am, groaning and stretching. I immediately felt that something was off, but I couldn't put his finger on what. I tried to shake it off, blaming it on the stressful day I had taking care of Caspar and Joe. I find myself parched, so I stood up and went to get a glass of water, which I gulped down quickly. I set the empty glass in the sink and sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with my fists. I figured it would be a good time to check on Caspar and Joe, so I made my way downstairs 

I went to Caspar's room first, since it was closest. The room smelled slightly of vomit, but Caspar was asleep on his bed, occasionally tossing and turning. I spaced out watching him, and finally yawned after a few minutes and realized I had been standing there for almost 10 minutes. As I went to leave, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and I let out a groan.

There was no way I could've caught what Joe and Caspar had already, and I blamed the random pain on eating too big of a dinner before going to sleep. I tried to shake it off, and I walked into the hallway and popped my head in Joe's room. He was snoring quietly but seemed fine, so I silently closed the door until I heard an audible "click". 

I went back upstairs and laid back down on the couch, hoping to sleep through whatever was bothering my stomach. It took me a while to fall asleep, so I put on some music and fell asleep after a couple of songs. 

Caspar POV:

I had woken up from an extra sharp stab in my stomach, and immediately felt that all too familiar hot, sweaty feeling that comes with nausea. My mouth filled with saliva and I rolled over onto my side facing my ever loyal purple bucket, using the light from my the hallway to locate the already filled bucket. I had woken up a few times to be sick during the night, and realized I would need to empty the bucket soon. My nausea intensified and I leaned further over the bed, waiting to be sick. I heaved once or twice, and finally my stomach released the little water I had left in my system, along with foul tasting bile and mucus. 

I pushed myself up onto my elbows and rinsed my mouth out with the water from my bedside table, and took a few shaky sips. I was hot and dizzy, and my stomach continued to roll uncomfortably even though there was barely anything in it. My throat felt raw and dry, and all I wanted was an ice lolly or something cold that might help with this terrible feeling. I remembered my mum feeding my ice cubes as I kid when I had a terribly nasty flu, and decided I would try to muster up the strength to get to the kitchen. I went to stand, but my weak legs wobbled out from under me and I fell back onto my bed. 

Frustrated, I tried again to stand up but nearly blacked out and immediately had to sit back down again. All of that movement made my stomach lurch, and I quickly picked up the bucket and set it on my lap as I started to gag. I dry heaved until I finally got up the little bit of water I had just drank, and wiped the tears from my eyes as I set the bucket back down. The smell was really getting to me now, and I knew I needed to get out of that room otherwise I would be sick again. 

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and slowly got onto my hands and knees, and crawled into the hallway. Once in the light, I realized there was a bit of sick down the front of my shirt, so I stripped it off and threw it into my room. Even that movement had my stomach turning, so I crawled made my way to the bathroom to be close to the toilet. I sat in front of the toilet and rested my heavy head on the seat. I closed my eyes and tried to take even, slow breaths to ride out the horrible sick feeling that was racking my body. My head was still spinning and closing my eyes made me feel more nauseous, so I opened them and tried to focus on a spot on the floor. After about 10 minutes that awful feeling decreased, and I felt it safe to try to get up to rinse his mouth out from the tap. 

After struggling  a bit and using the wall and toilet to push myself up, I was able to rinse out my mouth and take a few sips of water. Just that exertion alone had my legs wobbling and had drained the little energy I had, so I grabbed a towel from my rack before I sunk back down to the floor. I made myself a makeshift pillow with the towel and curled up on my side on the cool, soothing tile. I checked my phone and saw that it was almost 3:30 a.m. and that I had a text from Josh from a few hours ago which read:

Josh: Hey mate, I heard you and Joe are sick. I hope you lot feel better! Let me know if you need anything bro. Xx

Josh was such a good mate. I was starting to feel worse from the light of the screen but I typed up a quick response.

Caspar: Everything hurts and I think I'm dying. Joe has been bad too. I'd advise that stay away for now, I don't want you catching this horrible bug. Thanks bro. Xx 

 I started thinking about Joe, and how I wished I was in bed with him instead of being alone on my bathroom floor. I felt bad for being unable to take care of him, but soon sleep overtook me as I drifted into unconsciousness, thinking about Joe. 

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