Dolan Twins - Grayson sick in December pt 2

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A/N: @Reesediamond, @eclare33 and @dolphinsock all requested a part two so here is it! 

Ethan POV: 

I had been taking care of Grayson all night, and was in and out of sleep in between his bouts of vomiting. Frankly, it was impressive that he threw up 9 times considering he was barely eating the saltines and was only taking frequent sips of gatorade and water. Grayson finally stopped puking at 9 am that morning, and at 10 I slipped out of his room and made my way back to my room to go back to sleep. A loud noise coming from the living room woke me up from my sleep, but I still felt felt completely exhausted. I stretched in bed and realized that I was also feeling kind of sick to my stomach myself--I couldn't tell if it from being around vomit all night or because I was nervous about my surgery...or maybe a mix of both. I doubt I had contracted what Grayson had, if I had I definitely would've gotten sick by now. I checked the time; it only 1:05, meaning that I'd been asleep for about 3 hours until this point. 

 My tonsil surgery was in 2 days and I knew that if I was sick or had a fever, I wouldn't be able to get them out, and they definitely needed to come out. 

Thinking about my surgery was making my stomach turn, and I started feeling really nauseous. I walked out of my room and into the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet. Just looking into the water triggered my gag reflex, and a few seconds later last night's Chinese came barreling up my esophagus. I closed my eyes as I heaved, and spit a few times before blindly searching for the handle. As I flushed the toilet I heard a knock on the door 

"Grayson are you in there?" my sister Cameron asked. 

"No its Ethan" I called out hoarsely.

"Are you okay?" she asked again. 

"Yeah I'm fine". I stood up and opened the door, then walked to the sink to rinse my mouth out. 

"Were you throwing up? I thought I heard someone--" I cut her off and said "yeah but I'm fine. You know that I yak all the time, its not a big deal."

And it was true. Throwing up for me really wasn't a big deal--I puke all the time from literally anything and don't even mind it that much. 

"Okay well, Mom and Dad are both at work and I need to shower. How's Grayson doing?"

"He finally stopped puking at 9 this morning, but I haven't checked on him since." 

"Okay, I can go check on him after I shower. You honestly look like shit though, are you sure you're good?"

"Yeah just nervous about surgery. Thanks though"

I walked back into my room and grabbed my laptop and started watching The Office. Before I knew it I was falling back asleep...

Grayson POV: 

Even though I was definitely feeling better now that my 24 hour bug was over, I stuck to eating crackers and bread all day. Cameron and I had been hanging out and she had told me that she heard Ethan throwing up. 

"You don't think he caught that bug from me, right?" I asked her hopefully.

"Mmm I don't know Gray, he says it's just from nerves but I have a feeling it's something more than that." Cameron answered

"Should I go check on him again? He was asleep last time I checked, but he really didn't sleep at all last night so it makes sense that he's so tired."

"Yeah that's a good idea. Let's go." 

Cameron followed me upstairs, but I had to stop halfway to sit on the steps because I was so light headed. 

"Grayson are you good?" Cameron asked, placing a  hand on my shoulder. 

"Yeah, just still feeling the effects of this bug I guess."

"Even at 18 years old I'm still taking care of you guys" Cameron chuckled. "You really ought to be resting more. Have you eaten anything today?"

She offered me a hand and helped me up. "Yeah I've had some crackers, I don't think I'm ready to try anything else. Don't get me wrong I feel way better, but my stomach still feels kinda off." 

"Okay well you should try to eat soup or something. I'm sure we have something in the kitchen." 

We walked into Ethan's room but he was still asleep. It was already 5 pm,  I sat down on the edge Cameron went over to him and started poking him in the face. 

"Ethan you've been sleeping all day. It is time to get up!" Cameron shook him lightly and then turned on his light.

Ethan groaned and rolled over. "I have never felt so tired. Sleeping is the only thing that is helping my nerves" 

"Ethan that doesn't make any sense. If you were really this nervous you wouldn't be able to sleep. Common man, I think you might be sick" Cameron said thoughtfully.

"Oh shit bro, you definitely could've gotten my bug. I was super tired too, remember? And Cam said you yaked earlier?" I asked. 

"I cannot be sick. I need to be healthy for surgery." Ethan whined into his pillow. 

"You will be healthy for surgery, I promise. You took care of me, now its time that I take care of you." I patted his shoulder and stood up, just to have to sit down again because I was still so light headed. 

"All right guys, I'm going to find some soup for you both before I leave for dinner. I love you guys but I've had these plans for days now" Cameron said. 

30 minutes later, Cameron came upstairs with two bowls of soup and two water bottles for the two of us. I managed to eat all of mine--the food actually felt pretty good in my stomach. Ethan only ate half, but kept it down before falling back asleep again. 

At 4 am, the bug finally seemed to activate itself in Ethan's system when I was woken up by him loudly puking into his trashcan. Even though I had't been feeling nauseous anymore, I couldn't handle it and had to sprint to the bathroom to heave up the chicken soup I'd had for dinner. "Pull yourself together" I muttered to myself before rinsing my mouth out with the tap. I needed to be strong for Ethan--these would be the longest 24 hours of my life if I couldn't take care of him without throwing up every time he did. 

I walked back into his room and he was still leaning over his trashcan, gagging unproductively. I grimaced as I put my hand on his back, and starting rubbing slow circles. 

"Just try to take a breath. In throw your nose, out through your mouth." I encouraged.  Finally, Ethan's stomach released and he threw up again. My legs wobbled under me as I held back my own gags. 

When Ethan was done, I helped him back into bed. He had a long bout of vomiting at 6 am that really tested me. Thankfully, my mom took off from work to take care of Ethan and relieve me of my duty so that I could recover completely. 

~the next day~

Ethan POV: 

"If I hadn't been sleeping so often, this would've been waaaay worse" I said to Grayson, who was sitting on the couch next to me. 

"Bro you booted way more than I did--at times you were like a fire hydrant" Grayson laughed. "Too soon?" 

I nodded and audibly gagged in response. 

"Thanks for helping out bro. You suck for getting me sick in the first place, but I'm glad I had you with me before mom took over." I said, punching Grayson gently. 

"No problem. I love you man."

"Love you too"

A/N: Alllllright thats a wrap on this one! I'll try to post another request soon, but unfortunately it looks like I may be going back to slow updates again. Thanks for all the love on the last one, though! I'm glad you guys liked it :) 

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